Cement Pop

911 of these answers are lies.

It's just great that this conversation even exists. Apparently, we're allowed to like both series, as opposed to the True Detective vs. Fargo days. Who says the internet doesn't evolve?

Best episode of the year for me by a grey alien.

Ryan Adams is the Bill Murray of music. By which I mean, unfocused and prolifically awesome.

I never fully understood the meme, 'I'm just here for the comments', until I saw this piece.

Lists are the new articles. I read it on Buzzfeed.

I'll kill all the male characters. Leave the females alive. People will LOVE this. - Nicky Pizz

Mike should have given it to Shirin before Tribal. She should have revealed it on her own, and Mike should have acted 'shocked'. Then, they could have played it the same way and people would have been flopping like John Kerry.

How is the AV Club behind my 58-year mother? She doesn't even bake and watch TV at the same time.

The first 8 episodes were really great television. I haven't been able to get excited since. Anyone else feeling this way?

Because Sonia.

Yes. But not the same as Bryan Adams.

'My Way' is totes a Lenny Kravitz song.

Every time there is one of these back and forth reviews, the two parties always give grades either the exact same or within a + or -. I find this highly implausible and demand the grades be shouted out in unison after each episode.

It's boring enough. Lindsay eats food! Lindsay won't get out of bed! Lindsay calls a friend! The most exciting part is that she doesn't wear a bra.

Guns n' Roses

Strong looks like Fey sitting next to Jost. Before Seth left, she was awkward like a kid with a textbook in front of his junk. It's amazing what disparity will do.

I liken the Veronica Mars movie to that Greatest Hits album you never expected from that semi-obscure band you used to love. It even comes with a new unreleased bonus track!

It's tough. Both are new, so it's hard to criticize, but by golly, it's also hard to watch.

The fact that Kate Mara didn't wear a 'Mind the Gap' t-shirt to promote this season deeply troubles me.