Cement Pop

If you like this site, you'll probably love Grantland.

His effiminate smoking posture will forever stay with me. And those pearly whites. He made the film, for me.

If you would have told me that Jared Leto, Jonah Hill and some guy from an action movie would be my favorite three supporting roles of the season, I wouldn't have believed you.

All this episode deserves is a shrug. *shrug*

This episode finally fulfilled the term 'dead on arrival'. Drunk Uncle wouldn't be pleased he was part of this episode. When the cold open has the biggest laughs, you know you're in trouble. At least Kings of Leon were disinterested as well.

I bet you wish you hadn't been so hard on the Miley episode now. It might end up being in the top 3 of the year.

Black Mirror! Spooky!

Black Mirror.

Man of Steel was just action shots of pavement being ripped up and Superman ignoring innocent people for 2 hours. They didn't even give us a 'life bar' at the top of the screen to let us know how much damage each guy was taking.

Does it get better after S01E04? And this is coming from a guy who watched Enlightened and Treme. I couldn't get into it. Seemed like a Hillbilly version of some show my dad would watch on CBS. Should I try again?

The Goldfinch would be the first on everyone's list had they read it and or chosen to spend their spare time devouring 800 pages of prose.

*gets out some sweet and sour sauce to watch tha haters*

The recent Ryan Adams produced punk EP of theirs is visceral.

With the latter categories, they became so disinterested they don't even have choices. Yet, they have written answers up to 500 characters. That makes sense.

And just as lengthy.

This just cements my suspicion that the guy(s) who did the redesign had never visited the site.

My dad used to say he read Playboy for the articles, but if the font and spacing was as hard to read as this site, I would have never believed him! LIAR, DAD! LIAR! You can't read that t e x t i t s h a r d o n t h e e y e s.

There's not even a 'Community Grade' anymore! I'm going to miss revolting against SIMSSSSSS preposterous Saturday Night Live grades.

Whoever did the redesign has never visited the site once. That much is obvious.

Me too. It's the only place I turn to for classic soft rock.