
Upvoted because the Spurs. I find their teamplay hypnotic. Which might mean I'm totally into them or I fall asleep watching them. Either way. SPURS!!!

My takeaway from that is… that he expected it to be good? I suppose I took that as a literal statement and not as a dig.

I don't think anyone upthread was implying that your opinion was less valid. They were (and I was) simply pointing out that Sava's opinion is just as valid.

Except for Quinn. Fucking Quinn. How in the hell did that guy survive to the end of the show against all odds?

Your opinion that the show is fun is entirely valid. But pulling out Sepinwall to imply that your opinion is more valid than anyone else's (including Sava's) is silly.

I had to look up who Jake Weber was but yeah, he looks a bit like him too. I'm actually thinking that we might see him again alive and well (and homicidal at Tyreese) if only because he was very good in his scenes. Very effective. Of course, they did away with Michael Raymond-James in one episode back in Season Two

Taken to the extremes that the storyline went, I agree that the anti-registration side were fighting against fascism. But the start of it all, the base of it all, was about accountability. Which is something that superheroes in the comics (or in pretty much any medium, really) never really give a shit about. I was all

Definitely a good episode to come back to. The action was excellent, Carol was awesome, the reunions were awesome (and much like in S3 when they thought Carol was dead, I found the Rick/Carol reunion to be the most heartfelt - I find their friendship to be very mature and dignified if much less buddy-buddy than anyone