
Good list. Yeah for Fox it's either the Pilot for me or The End. Him closing his eyes was the perfect shot to end on.

Most of his interactions with Alex were contentious though. The only harmonious father/daughter moment I can recall was the flashback to Ben pushing a much younger Alex on a swing. They probably had a much better relationship before Alex hit puberty and became rebellious. But since they never filmed any of those, it

Ha! I agree. That is also one of the reasons why I was glad he didn't go into the church. It would have just felt really weird if he was in there. My headcanon is that he moved on with Alex and Danielle.

Oh me too. That was fucking hilarious. He just got beat up SO MANY times it became something that was as associated with his character as his mind-games.

And he never recovered. There was a chance to redeem his character in S4 but the writers blew it. I remember that Harold Perrineau was really pissed off about the ending arc of his character. And rightly so, in my opinion.

Okay I wanna run them down (SPOILERS BELOW):

Oh cool! Thanks. I missed that article. I don't much like IGN so I usually steer clear of it.

I missed the first season when it was airing. Then one day I had some extra money and decided to get a new show to watch on DVD. POI S1 was on mark-off and I remembered good things about it from a blog I frequented so I said 'why not' and got it. Turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done.

Gotta say, SRJ, I admire your dedication to continually promote POI all over these boards. Keep it up!

James Badge Dale will always be DAMMIT, CHASE to me.

I don't really understand the fan craze over pairing Daryl with either Carol or Beth. I think Daryl comes off as asexual, honestly. I don't see anything romantic or sexual in his relationship with Carol. As for Beth, I hope they don't go there because even at the end of the world, I still find an 18/19 yr old pairing

If they do end up getting together, I don't want them to be a demonstrative couple all over each other. Subtle glances and touches are all I want from them. Though I wouldn't begrudge at least one onscreen sex scene because they're hot.

I rewatched those trudging-in-the-woods scenes and I noticed after a few rewinds that Rick/Carol/Tyreese alternately had what appears to be a baby-shaped bunch of rags strapped to their backs. They probably meant that to be Judith but, good god, she was completely covered up head to toe. The heat would have suffocated

He DOES always look guilty of something. Which is probably why he was cast. Heh. Now that he's confessed, I wonder if he'll keep acting that way. Also, hmm, I think Gilliam may have over-acted in that confession scene. I mean, Gabriel's obviously a very emotional guy but his repetition of "I always lock the doors" was

I didn't know how to do the "@" thing in the most recent thread so I'm sending this to you here:

I read the Bible scene as Maggie thinking about Hershel and not Beth. And was later reminded of him in a more visceral way when they saw Bob with his leg missing. Lauren Cohan may have bungled the delivery of the episode's title but she played that scene perfectly. When everyone ran to Bob, she came to a dead stop and

I really ended up loving Bob this episode but I also felt like his story was complete. They did very well coming full circle to the start of his story (as he told Rick). As we all know, he was the last person left in his previous groups. Twice. At the start of Season 4, he was almost suicidally depressed because of

When she said the episode's title, it sounded mangled as hell.

Gareth from beginning to end: Will not. Stop. Talking.

Well, I definitely like this much better than the last episode. I don't know if I'd give it an A but I wouldn't argue with anyone who'd want to.