
Archie in general feels unconnected.

Except here we are discovering it isn't just the memories, there is something darker happening.

I had trouble hearing while I was watching. Melanie mentioned they built it 30 years ago. Did she say in the 40's?

Can he get there? He is mentally ill, that doesn't just go away. It will always be there.

I do think the idea of a secret son is intriguing with Legion. If he really can alter reality, perhaps it is a personality that manifests itself based on his perception of their future. Might not be a good idea, but has potential to be one.

I was actually thinking that Simmons was an LMD, but I figured it had to be Fitz.

What if this Ward is openly Hydra, but secretly good and boring.

Also how it emotionally scarred her. She couldn't trust anyone, couldn't afford to.

This is the definitely the first one where I felt that it had a unique feel instead of a generic workplace comedy. Good to see Van and Emily bond, and we got to have elements that would show up in a superhero world.

I hope he shows up again as a recurring character.

That happened to the duplicate, the time traveler was safe.

That happened to the duplicate, the time traveler was safe.

How does the reincarnation work with the Fire King? Are they all just elementals?

Yeah, and they meet up just to hang out. I mean the JSA and the JLA had an annual party. Just: hey, you're a superhero? Cool. Lets go beat up Gorilla Grodd. Basically what Batman: The brave and the bold was.

Yes which is why they voted out a woman first, wait they voted Darnell off. Not everything is a patriarchy. Cydny is in the core 3 and she is a woman.

"I'm still glad I shot you."
"You should have aimed for the face"

Now we need to name one of the background characters Clarkson. Make it so.

The winter soldier is still an elite soldier and assasin, even while missing an arm.

He was a child, he wouldnt understand what they were saying.

What if it was a different Clara each time? Season 7 clara was one, then another for the special, and so on.