
"You must ask yourself, do they watch you sleep in the clown house?"

I still just don't get why Caitlin's powers seem to have made her evil. I feel like her character has been super-underdeveloped, for as much as they've been building up her turn to Killer Frost. I would've liked a lot more focus on WHY she's turned evil. Having powers alone isn't a reason for someone to turn evil in

Good to know they've unlocked the secret of Poké Ball technology in the X-Men universe.

- "Ambitious, like, sexually?"

As to Karen's willingness to defend Frank, I also felt it was definitely about her guilt for killing Wesley last season. Ellison even has a line at some point this season to Karen, something like "I'm not sure why you'd identify with a ruthless killer." It seems clear to me the writers were trying to use this as

And unless I'm mistaken, none of these four takes is the final version—Al's arm movements in the final version are bigger, Aisha grabs her boobs on the last line in her segment, Margaret looks backwards as she walks back, Eric's dancing is much smoother. That would seem to imply there are at least five complete takes