TJ Lazer

The real monster…. Is man.

I hardly remember anything from this show. I enjoyed it at the time, and then I just completely forgot everything about it and realized I didn't like it much. But Tricia Tanaka is Dead still stands out to me. It was an excellent episode, and the 3 dudez and a van stuff was just wonderful. It is the one thing I

This stinks, internet.

Yeah, this has officially gotten creepy and weird.

Guys, I just want to say that tour with Trail of Dead and Blood Brothers was absolutely INSANE. Both were at the height of their powers. An excellent tour, caught it on both ends (started in Denver, ended in Boulder.)

They really captured how weird that dude's face is.

Just remember- The real monsters…… Are humans.

Now check THAT privilege!!!

Tough Grandpa is my screen name of choice going forward.

Have never watched this show. Have never wanted to. This post has changed everything. This sounds good….. Kid Nation Good.


Love this


I dunno. As the series goes further along, the only thing I think Phillip strongly believes in is his family and pragmatism.

Easily the best show on TV.

I like the show for being an incredibly well funded schlock fest. It's an absurd hundred million dollar soap opera and I just can't help but love it for that. The show really leans into that as well, which is why I don't even really fault it. I don't think it's trying to do anything beyond that. But there is a weird

When I've seen him interviewed he comes across as incredibly stupid and brain damaged. I find his comedy much better than this faux intellectual bullshit. That's the very thing that makes him an asshole.

"Noxious Piece of Crud"

You've been smooching everybody

I loved season one of The Bridge but just hadn't gotten a chance to sit down and watch Season 2 yet. I saw this headline and thought "Wait, he's already doing The Br-……OH MY GOD!"