TJ Lazer

Weller does similar wonders for Leviathan


Just Please Fuckin' Knock It Off, Internet!!!

I have never seen or heard of Freejack but based of that trailer I need to see it right now.

Noah Emmerich is just phenomenal. He has been through this entire show, but the confession scene was phenomenal. The way you hear his voice dipping in and out of near sobs was so good.

Hey it's good because empowerment you know?

These are JUST the moments needed to get some killer ratings on The Americans. We need more pop culture references!!!!

If you choose to kill Michael, you're given this absurd guilt trip. His daughter is off to college, he has this great career in the movies, his relationship with his wife has never been better. It's completely out of left field and comes off as very phony, and is played completely straight.

I'm all bout dat action boss

That whole aspect really bugged me. I feel like at the beginning of the game, Michael, his family, and his overall way of life is just a bunch of big fake bullshit. He and everyone else is unhappy. his status as a family man always seems like some phony front that he's trying to fulfill to make himself feel better,

I just watched my wife beat it last week. I never did get to beat it because I slow roll through stuff and then get distracted by other things. Anyway, she chose to kill Trevor because he's gross and there is of course that scene where he literally just murders two people in a really awful way (which I think had to be

To be fair, the most critical stretch of the movie takes place during one of those cross country races.

"it feels personal in the way that big-budget, effects-driven movies rarely do"
Exactly why I love Speed Racer so much. Excited to see this.

This is my favorite NFL column on the internet

Very excited for this! Watched tons of G4 as a 13 year old and it was INCREDIBLE at that age to see video games represented on TV, which at one point was really weird and kind of subversive feeling. Of course none of this stuff was good, but it was a special moment.

I love you.

Well they were fucking great guys…. And this is a fucking asshole of a day

Wow the internet actually did a great job this time. Great job, intern!

Take THAT society!