My name is Talky Tina

No guac for you!

By the power of Jane Pratt!

And don't forget my personal xoJane fave — the woman who forgot to take out her tampon (for several months!!) and was baffled why her cooter stank!

The tagline is, I s2g, "Get boned!"

A true American classic.

I once did Happiness/Kids/Gummo one night several years ago. I ain't never been right since.

Bunch of goddamn sissies!

Really? I found this show unwatchable; it's glorified soft-core porn, but with "science." Is that why you're all falling over yourselves?

Shhhhh, if we stop directing traffic to Jezebel, maybe it will go away…

Nah, Fiona doesn't sing about her vagina.

Go back to to Tumblr, AppleJill. Go back to Tumblr. Your parroted, eyeroll-worthy views will not be reinforced here.

Literally worse than genocide.

Does it insanely bother anyone else that this movie wasn't called DIFFUSION Jones? He's not a water molecule, goddammit! And I'm not even a science freak! In fact, I got very terrible grades in biology!

Is ol' Sandy out the closet yet?

Am I alone in thinking Community isn't a good enough show explain & excuse his dickish behavior? Like, in Harmon's mind, what does he think he's done to warrant such an ego?