
I did this for a while (it got really annoying after about 3 months) and I still automatically reach for my phone when the alert pops up in the episode.

I always thought the GBV thing was just a shoutout to the fact that Graham Linehan is a total GBV fanboy. Good to know! All the IT guys I know love Pink Floyd. Classic rock in general, really, but always Pink Floyd. It's like a running joke in my life. That or Dragonforce, but that kind of obvious nerd pandering is

Not saying she would be. I'm just saying that GBV isn't a noticeably geeky band, at least not on the level of They Might Be Giants or Devo or something.

The good parts of this episode are some of my favorite IT Crowd bits of all time, but April crying and trying to convince Douglas that she really is a woman breaks my heart because it's too close to real life.

Maybe I'm just an überdork but I thought GBV was pretty standard listening if you're an indie rock fan? I'm not complaining; I thought having Game of Pricks covering up Richmond and Jen's friend's loud, awful sex in the Dinner Party episode was brilliant.

Krissi seems like the kind of South Philly yobo who loves to drop the n-bomb and talk about how hard she is but who will flee to South Jersey the second a black family moves to her block. I wanted to like her out of civic pride, but she's the worst. (Aside from Joe, who inhabits his own realm of unadulterated suck.)