
Didja see Sherilyn Fenn in "Ray Donovan?"

Naomi Watts's dad provided the laugh at the end of "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd on "Dark Side of the Moon"

A specific doctor, one with whom I guess they had a relationship

Yer pappy showed some good parenting, An honorable sumbitch

Screaming Chicken … and who bought the whites ones, anyway?

In your collective opinion, does Andy look more like Ed Grimley or PeeWee Herman?

I find "Dougie" Cooper, in his shuffling walk, his inability to
communicate beyond repeating words, and his disconnection with human
condition [his terror, then relief, at taking a pee; not being able to
dress or feed himself] to be very similar to Frankenstein's Creature
shortly after he was reborn

He appears in the credits "Sound Design: David Lynch"

When you have found the shrubbery, then you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest … with a herring.


“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little
fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the
big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful
and more pure.They’re huge and abstract. And they’re very beautiful.”- David Lynch

They gotta work "Hand of God" in there sometime

"Mike is essentially working for the criminal version of The Long Gunmen types."