Jeff D.

My birthday parties are very nice affairs.

The only positive of the election outcome was the ability to experience schadenfreude like I've never felt before.

Like Flies on Sherbet just might be my favorite rock n' roll record ever.

Didn't enjoy it when I first saw it.

Not gonna happen. No one who regular comments here voted for Trump, except for a few examples that are either (1) really dumb trolls or (2) false-flag trolls.

She got kicked out the house for using marijuana at 16! So this was clearly a gateway to her rampant drug use later.

Who cares about this high school level bullshit?

I, for one, have very strong opinions on who the local alderman should be.

I ain't voting for Trump, but if he wins I'm going to have a good laugh at all the folks living in a such a political and social cocoon that they can't possibly imagine someone voting for Donald Trump, nevermind polls sometimes showing him ahead of Hilary. Their tears and outrage on election night will be a joyful

He lost relevance to me when he lamely apologized to John Cena for costing him the opportunity to win his 16th WWE world championship.

See, I see this as an example of counterproductive propaganda. I doubt whether a Jack Chick booklet has ever had a profound impact on a reader's outlook, but if it did, I think it was more likely to make them laugh at religious extremists.

They. Are. Hilarious.

I swear, in the pre-internet age, I was entirely unsure whether Chick tracts were the legitimate workings of a religious loon or a parody by some alternative comix dude(s). I leaned towards parody because even growing up in Midwestern suburbia, I couldn't imagine anyone could actually believe everything in those

I kinda think that if you aren't a father with a son, this song just isn't going to resonate with you. That's perfectly fine, if you don't fall into that category, you should be cognizant that you might be missing a bit of contextual experience.

Sure. But if we're supposed to fawn over J.K. Simmon's physique, we should observe that he's doing lots of things besides just eating well and going to the gym to look that way.

If you see a female performer in Hollywood over 35 — particularly one that has kids — who is incredibly lean and sinewy, there's a very good chance she's taking something. That goes for the music industry, too.

Being jacked to the gills isn't the brightest move for a 61-year old.

You all realize he's on some combination of steroids, HGH, and TRT, right? 61-year old men cannot naturally look like that - not just in terms of muscle, but the shredded look. Also worth mentioning that this newfound physique came after he started working with the trainer of Duane "the Rock" Johnson, who is clearly

…who also happens to be of Jewish ancestry and a brilliant scientist.

I don't have many opportunities to mention this, so I'll note here that Guardian has my favorite country-specific super-hero costume. Puts Captain America to shame.