Jeff D.

It's easy if you exercise regularly and keep your weight under control.

I remember just six or seven months ago when the common answer to people griping about content was "if you don't like it, you should stop reading." That sentiment seems to be changing as the superficial content becomes more pervasive.

"the Dow[] Jones dropped 900 points and is only now bouncing back"

As to be expected, the T.Rex's tiny arms were its downfall.

I remember that JSA issue with the picnic slaughter. It was right around that time that I finally realized that Geoff Johns was not the type of writer I thought he was, or at least had become something far different than he used to be. I initially saw him as a sort of a combination of Mark Waid & Roy Thomas, but he

That a celebrity like Donald Trump has a realistic shot of being our next President is the consequence of treating politics as a form of entertainment. Congratulations, AV Club, for your contribution to this phenomenon.

I want to agree with this, but I unabashedly enjoy his original cover (not later re-recordings) of Fats Domino's "Ain't That a Shame."

Very true.

Well done, AV Club! Never thought I'd read an article about Pezband on a major pop culture website in 2016. They had a lot of fun songs in the vein of uptempo Raspberries. This sounds a lot more New Wave-influenced than their preceding records.

Body counts matter. As much terrible shit that went on in the name of fighting communism, the tally on the other side was at least an order of magnitude higher. Disrupting a sort-of democratic Chile doesn't compare to the atrocities of Stalin, Pol Pot, or Mao.

Hey everybody, look at the rich kid whose parents got him all the cool toys. Let's take his lunch!

In one way, it's nice that enough time has passed that many people (including the author) have trouble appreciating the evil of the Soviet empire.

My head's about to fall off from nodding at so much said in that comment.

Bruce Lee was 135lbs and trained mainly in styles that, when actually tested in mixed martial arts or no holds bar fights against other styles like Muay Thai and wrestling, haven't fared too well.

Jon Stewart once got mauled in an interview with Rick Santorum so badly that he apologized for his performance the following night. Lindsey is smarter and more quick-witted. Stewart would have fared poorly if he tried to outdebate him.

Regardless of whether it was done as a parody or not, I love East Bay Ray's guitar solo in that song.

That is a terrible song, but the put-down of Guccione makes me smile every single time I hear it.

It's a demo version they did prior to the official release. It's on the Spunk bootleg (and many more legal and semi-legal records).

It was a really clever idea for a word, but it got overused to the point that it became a meaningless gimmick to shut down discourse, no matter how civil. You could do a variation of Godwin's law with "mansplain" substituted for Hitler references.

I dislike Kathleen Hannah as a person and a lyricist, but goddamn does Le Tigre have some great, danceable records.