Jeff D.

Al Green's "Love and Happiness." Just as much for Al Jackson's drumming as Green's vocals.

Which is why I love story about professional stuntman "Judo" Gene LeBell choking Seagal out and causing him to soil himself.

The man's gotta eat. The worst thing about this whole thing is that Ray Wise is at a point in his career where this is a role he needs to accept.

I find that I don't listen to nearly enough Lucinda Williams, despite thinking everything I've heard from her is great. It's probably been five years since I last listened to her. I clicked on a couple of the videos linked in the article and remembered all over again how awesome she is.

So is it the consensus that Cutter (Michael Caine's character) actually knew from the beginning how the trick worked?

Limbaugh used to sell a Klaus Nomi CD on his website, as he used to play Nomi's version of "You Don't Own Me" before he'd start talking about a gay-related news story. But he also legitimately liked Nomi.

The owner is a big-time Hilary supporter.

As a non-Jewish person who abhors racism and anti-Semitism, I felt very uncomfortable watching a movie where I hated every single character, all of which happened to be Jewish.

I have never seen a movie I hated more than A Serious Man. Unless you were raised in the Jewish suburbs in the 1950s, or were a Nazi sympathizer that really had a hankering to see a movie that portrayed every single Jewish person as an ugly and awful creature, I can't understand what someone would get out of it.*

Depending on which seven you missed, there's a good chance you think the Coens are either the greatest or most terrible moviemakers ever.

Whoa, whoa, whoa…I'm going to just assume that was faulty sentence construction and you did not mean to include Kurt Russell in the list of creeps.

They're hoping to get it out of the way quickly before their new Univision overlords notice.

Now I feel compelled to post a John Hiatt song:

Yeah, I kinda feel at times like this that Cosby's friends and colleagues should be left alone, or cut a good degree of slack in their responses.

Relax, friend. I've said repeatedly that Cosby didn't have a leg to stand on once we found out what we was (almost certainly) doing.

I decided after Malcolm in the Middle that I could never ever meet Bryan Cranston, because I would want to give him a hug.

Maybe, but you'll have to share the sister's age before we know the level of horribleness.

Okay, so if I understand your first sentence correctly, you think in the hypothetical I gave that the producers of a children's show wouldn't have any ground to be miffed if an actor/actress started doing hardcore porn on the side? Because if you don't have a contract with the person, you have no right to be upset at

Speaking of unfortunate hair issues, the opening seconds of that video reminded me of John Norris's own hair challenges. Don't know if it was a wig or natural, but he seemed to rapidly go from one horrid hairdo to another.