Jeff D.

Which I suppose makes it admirable that multimillionaire Michael Moore has the same dressing and bathing habits as a hobo.

I find him unfunny as a stand-up and uninteresting as a performer. I disagree with him on a good amount of social and political issues.

It's one of the most compelling arguments for keeping pot illegal. Yeah, it might not be as bad for you health-wise as some other things that are legal, and it's a shame so many people have gone to prison for it but…do you really want to live in a world where a pot-related comedy starring Margaret Cho is acceptable?

There are few things I'm certain about in life, but one of them is that I will never voluntarily watch this.

Literally no desire to see it. I haven't seen any of the previews either — not purposefully, I just have somehow managed never to watch a movie at the theater or a tv show where it's played.

His too-perfect amiability really gets on my nerves.

I'm trying to figure out what current star comes closest to filling the place John Candy had — a guy who was in some good and bad movies, and wasn't really a box office draw, but someone whom audiences seemed to genuinely like not just as a performer, but as a person. I can't think of who fits that space. I suppose

I don't believe anything a President says about his favorite music/books/movies in an interview with People Magazine is 100% honest.

Those were very much working "vacations." I'd bet Bush's typical day at Crawford was far busier than Reagan's typical day at the White House in his second term.

Someone who isn't a REAL AMERICAN, that's who!

It sounds hip, popular enough that a couple voting blocs (particularly young folks) would be immediately aware, and can be construed as a quasi-political message, sending the signal that "Yeah, the President knows that economic times are tough for some people."

Even things that might've seemed like a perk probably become tiresome.

It's safe to assume at this point that these lists by Presidents/First Ladies/candidates are generated by pollsters and consultants, right?

If this guy publicly destroys the only copy of the Wu Tang album, I'm worried I'm going to start looking forward to the next dick move he makes.

Okay, that made me laugh. Mostly because I imagined the joke being delivered in Shepherd's voice.

Look man, it's your life, but I think any disinterested observer would agree it's in your best interest to just divorce your wife immediately. A person who doesn't like A Christmas Story has serious issues.

I am so envious that you got to hear Shepherd in person.

I will take any of those songs over Barbara Streisand's "jazzy" version of "Jingle Bells."

I do sometimes wonder if the AV Club has regular meetings about what to do to increase hits, in which the Slate and Buzzfeed models are talked about as the ideal standard.

Listen to that guy with the exceptional vocal timbre, booming voice, and charisma to cause female fans to swoon — HE THINKS HE'S BETTER THAN ME!!!