Jeff D.

I humbly suggest that you skim through Sinatra's song catalog. Plenty of songs where he's praising someone or something else as the apex, or that deal with sorrow and regret.

The best thing about this article is that it's literally two paragraphs.

The Eagles have only a few hits that I can stand.

I somehow avoided listening to "More than a Feeling" for more than five years.

Alternatively, you could describe her in certain circles as the Dr. Girlfriend of the 1960s.

The oft-repeated story was that Moe was a Wal-Mart greeter in the early 1980s, but it's possible that was a journalist stretching the truth to make a good story and it just became repeated everywhere.

If you're a straight guy, here's a helpful way to remember:

For your own well-being, you probably never want to say this to a woman who might ever be in physical proximity to you.

Velvets definitely had a diverse set of life outcomes.

Billy Name is my favorite name of any Factory associate/superstar.

Sterling Morrison's dead. The only Factory-era Velvets left are Moe and Cale (the Yule brothers, too, but they were post-Factory).

So the President just gave a statement that began "our first order of business is to send our thoughts and prayers to the families." No pledge to seriously push for legislation of any kind.

Friend, check out the comments in this thread. The mockery isn't limited to the triteness of politicians, but to religious people in general who offered these (well-meaning) platitudes. If it was simply the latter (and admittedly, there are some people strictly attacking politicians), my reaction would be different.


Did you see his prior tweet giving thoughts and prayers to the victims of the Charleston tragedy? I think his more recent take is a more valid position, but he seems to be the wrong guy to express moral indignation about the banality of "thoughts and prayers" tweets.

Just sayin' here —

Easy way to repackage it as pop culture— look at all the pundits who just watched Anthony Jeselnik's comedy special and are mimicking his "thoughts and prayers" bit!

Hey look, someone else saw Anthony Jeselnik's comedy special on Netflix!

Well, the Greatest Generation comes from Baby Boomer Brokaw (alliteration!). They weren't called that when they were 20-year old whippersnappers, or even after the Depression ended and World War II was won.

No, the Boomers were the Self-Congratulatory Pricks. The Self-Righteous Pricks were two or three generations later.