Jeff D.

Yes, they both did it. But at least n Nugent's case, he actually married her.

I enjoy Offerman's schtick as much as the next red-blooded American, but…no, can't do it.

Steven Tyler has performed at the Superbowl halftime show and been a judge of American Idol, and once became the legal guardian of a 16 year-old girl so she could travel with him on tour.

I take your point and that's a fair line to draw. But if that's the case, what do you say about a guy like Bill Cosby, who hasn't been convicted?

Honest to goodness, there was a thread a year or two ago where I compared the outrage towards Mel Gibson by some AV Clubbers with the unmitigated love toward Bill Murray, and got some interesting replies about "he said/she said" claims that were…surprising in these parts.

Not sure racial bias is the explanation given the pariah that is Mel Gibson. Gibson is clearly not a good person, but the vitriol he gets in these parts compared to guys like Penn, Tyson, or (whispers) Bill Murray is odd.

If those were the most offensive things they could find in 9,000 tweets over a period of years, Trevor Noah is a goddamn saint by internet standards.

Quoting Jezebel on gender-related issues is like quoting Donald Trump when discussing real estate. Sure, they might have a point on the particular matter being discussed — but do you really want to be quoting them when you can find saner people who can make a similar point and don't have the baggage?

Shhh. We aren't allowed to mention that when talking about Bill Murray.

"Jezebel notes…"

If you're looking for an example of Neil Young's line about it being better to burn out than to fade away, consider contemporary views of Hank Sr. and Jr.

Honestly, I think Hank Williams Jr. had the more interesting life: A kid living in his father's shadow, managed by his controlling mother who makes him play his father's songs and wear his father's clothes before audiences who want to remember Hank, Sr., has a disfiguring accident and completely reinvents his sound,

The only sensible response is to reboot the Star Wars trilogy, but have all the central characters be female.

But they ended up being right! Del Rio turned heel. You couldn't trust him, just like Uncle Zeb said!

I got back into comics for a stint in the mid-aughts just after Morrison had ascended to god-like status. I accepted this was the truth and bought a bunch of his comics, like the Batman reboot and the 52-associated comics.

There's a straightforward non-political explanation for all this, too. Dee Snider knows Trump from Celebrity Apprentice, and likely benefited from his appearance on that show.

The 1990s?!! Try five years earlier than that. They already were a forgotten relic by the time Poison's first record came out.

I've said this in earlier threads, I think it would be much better if we kept political discourse distinct from pop culture. That's part of the reason why dangerous people like Trump can be taken seriously, is because we have difficultly making that distinction anymore.

If Hilary's elected, I think you get even more of a rightward lurch. She is not a well liked person. If she wins, she'll squeak by anyone not named Trump or Carson.

Her comments during the democratic debates in support of Syria intervention and defense of our involvement in Libya suggest otherwise.