Jeff D.

I don't put much stock in Supreme Court nominees. For the past two decades, the court has drifted rightward on economic issues. Hilary isn't going to put a stop to that.

I mean that the landscape the new President will inherit will be different than was the case a decade or so ago.

They didn't, exactly. Social Security reform was going to be a centerpiece of Bush's second term. It went nowhere. Most of the stuff that passed was co-sponsored by someone like Ted Kennedy.

In practice, I'm not sure what difference you're going to get between Hillary and a (non-Trump) GOP candidate in terms of domestic policy, given the breakdown in Congress and particularly the non-filibuster proof Senate. She ain't getting anything passed.

Given the trajectory of political discourse, I think we're about two presidential elections away from choosing candidates based on campaign songs.

For some reason, I naively thought I could avoid political coverage at the AV Club.

You and Yamete see this as weird and sad, I think it's kinda charming.

Hanks had a better performance than Travolta.

Say what you will about the man, but he has excellent running form in his movies.

Yeah, but I don't see how every economic argument against Wal-Mart doesn't apply with even greater weight to Amazon.

Controversial but potentially accurate opinion: Amazon is quite a bit worse than Wal-Mart.

There are surprisingly regular public opinion poll questions as to whether Canada should become part of the United States.

This anecdote tells me that Matthew Sweet can't distinguish his stupid songs from his great songs. "Girlfriend" is the best thing he ever did. Okay, it helps a lot that Robert Quine is playing guitar, but there are legitimate reasons why that song is his most beloved.

Excellent article about an obscure figure. Really glad to see an article like this on the AV Club.

"It has more in common with "Louie, Louie" than anything in the LC canon."

Say what you will about this song, but I unabashedly love Warrant's "Down Boys." For that, I can't dismiss them outright.

"Riggs was 55 years old. King was in her heyday. It’s like if Serena Williams played John McEnroe today."

"Why didn't King want to face Riggs again?"

That's a great story that may or may not be true.

It probably didn't actually happen that way, but I love the idea that the Velvets showed up at a small club in Cleveland one night and said, "Fuck it, our entire set is just going to be a really long version of 'Sister Ray.'"