Jeff D.

"the Doors is the sound of bongs and hippie girls in freshmen year dorms"

Love that comparison.

Touch Me is great. I love the horns in that song.

Read the headline as "Sean Connery rails against evils of kale."

I don't know if it's a more accurate perspective, but it's certainly a more appealing perspective.

Is the Blondie book good? It's infamous, but I've never been able to tell (having never read it, for one thing) whether it's great or Bangs at his worst.

I said "most" of their stuff is kid friendly. I play stuff like "Rockaway Beach" and "Oh Oh I Love Her So," not songs about killing johns and sniffing glue.

Yeah, call me a cold-hearted monster, but 15 years in prison does not seem nearly sufficient punishment for killing a teenage girl.

In terms about learning about music, Velvets to the Voidoids is better than Please Kill Me (the latter is great on its own terms as entertainment, but the actual music takes a backseat).

Contrary opinion here — I find their 80s stuff to be absolutely unlistenable. I can't stand the 1980s L.A. punk scene as a whole, and the only thing possibly more unlistenable is if those bands tried to play funk — those two genres just don't mix.

There is some truth to that but…have you ever heard an AC/DC cover that sounded as good as the original? Those might be easy songs to play on rhythm guitar, but no one seems to play them as well as Malcolm Young.

It wasn't until I was past thirty that I realized that when people described something non-musical as "punk rock," it was a short-hand way of saying something was really fucking stupid.

The first 500 hundred times I heard it on the back of the junior high school bus, it was great.

I…had no idea. This raises my estimation of Flea enormously.

I would fear for the life of the AV Club reporter interviewing Nick Cave. In the alternative, you could listen to the audio of Nick Cave and Blixa Bargeld describing the seven layers of MTV hell:

I think this is a really good observation.

As someone guilty of decking out a child in a Ramones T-shirt, I can only offer this defense: The Ramones is (mostly) kid-friendly music. No problem with listening to fun music like this now. If the kid "outgrows" it, that hopefully means it's because he's become a fan of stuff like jazz or classical, which I still

I like the idea of Richard Hell in Television more than the actual recordings. The pictures of the band look iconic, and the titles of the songs seem like they'd be cool ("Love Comes in Spurts," "Hard on for Love," "Fuck Rock n'Roll," etc.). But for me, the actual recordings didn't sound nearly as awesome as what I

Regardless of whether you think Elvis made the first rock n' roll record (a surprising number of people believe this), or Jackie Brenston/Ike Turner (the record most often identified by music critics), you can thank Sam Phillips.

Who Will the Next Fool Be is a wonderful, wonderful song.