Jeff D.

He quit a couple years after that, but her dying and him deciding to focus on raising their kids was a big motivation. I'm just assuming that the folks knocking his career trajectory aren't aware of that.

I'm just going to assume that you didn't know that his main motivation for quitting acting was that he to focus on raising his kids after his wife died of cancer.

You just go ahead and be angry, while I comfort myself to the sweet, sweet sound of Taylor Swift's "Mean,"

There was a big trend of that in the counter-culture world that both Patti and Sonic Smith grew up in. Peace and love and returning to the basics often seemed to lead to a reversion to very traditionalist notions regarding male and female relationships.

Taylor Swift has more songs I legitimately enjoy than any other musician mentioned in the article.

Bread's "Everything I Own" is a stone-cold classic that justifies their existence. I'm fortunate that neither of my parents has died yet. But when they pass away, I am 100% certain that I will be listening to that song and crying like a baby.

Yes, but Kate Bush is too good to be on a package tour.

I had a different reaction to Please Kill Me. It kinda soured me to Patti Smith, whereas prior to that I'd been a pretty big fan.

Brock should not wear a Breast Cancer Awareness t-shirt.

I would rather rather a horror movie or television series starring the Bray Wyatt character than watch him wrestle & cut promos. His promos go nowhere and his ringwork is mediocre. It's a great character, but it doesn't do anything for me in the pro wrestling setting.

Billie Piper appeared? What? Because you better not have an issue with the ending, or I am going to shake my fist at you.

Really pleased to read this, until I got to this:

If we can somehow get John Miliius to opine on the upcoming election, we can safely say we know the answer.

Please don't ever link to Salon again, AVClub. You're better than that.

You're thinking of the singers from another 80s synth band, Spandeau Ballet, rather than Depeche Mode.

I would agree, if "at this point in his career" spans the last 24 years (when did the Grifters come out? Before that, right?).

…which also stars John Cusack. I choose to believe this isn't coincidental.

Would consider seeing the film if it involved John Cusack being shot in the face, but I'm inclined to believe that the photo included in this article is misleading.

Exexalien is right. Defending UB40's early work is the equivalent of explaining to someone in 2015 that Rod Stewart used to be really awesome. Totally valid sentiment in both cases, but as you're making your defense, you'll likely start to wonder whether it's even worth the effort at this point.

I will say this in defense of Rick Astley, I genuinely like his song "It Would Take a Strong, Strong Man." His other hits can only be enjoyed for the cheesiness, if they can be enjoyed at all. But I like that song.