Jeff D.

Think Ronald's right below, but Malcom is the no-longer-secret ingredient to AC/DC's success.

Ricky, I thought based on your comments at a different point in this thread that you and I were on the same side. And now you turn 360 on me?!!

Izzy was just about on his way out even before the tour started. I think he only lasted a few months of that tour.

How can one author be so right about the quality of a song from a movie soundtrack, and so wrong about the quality of the movie itself?

1. Spareness is sometimes very, very appealing. See the (rightful) praise of the minimalist drumming of Charlie Watts.

I am a big time asshole.

He's one of the more interesting writers I've read on racial issues. He had two back-to-back columns about the Donald Sterling case that I found better than virtually everything else written or said around that time.

Always wondered why he never got a job as an NBA coach or GM. Surely he'd have to be better than Isiah Thomas, right?

Kareem Abdul-Jabaar: The most interesting man in the world?

"It's obvious that Romero couldn't be just neutral when he cast Jones, he knew that it would add another layer to the movie."

It's neck and neck with the "Fall Guy," in my opinion. Actually, "Fall Guy" was so good that I can recall seeing on a few jukeboxes in the 1980s.

Yes, and didn't Chandler and Ross try to grow mustaches that paled in comparison to Tom's?

Don't forget that a decade after Magnum, he was played Courtney Cox's older boyfriend in Friends, and the audience reacted so positively that the creators reportedly asked him to become a regular on the show.

The man was almost Indiana Jones. Ford is great in that, but I think Selleck would've been just as awesome. And I find Selleck to actually be much more charismatic than Ford over the course of their respective careers.

The last clause of your post is pretty good advice to follow for fans of most musicians (and entertainers generally, for that matter).

I've heard enough pleasant post-'Mats fan interactions with Paul to be charitable — I choose to believe he was simply a mean drunk. That probably goes for all the Replacements. I remember reading the oral history of the group, All Over But the Shouting, and thinking they were generally horrible people most of the

It's a live recording and the sound is muddy to the point that the vocals are near-indecipherable, but I think the version of "Can't Hardly Wait" on the Shit Hits the Fan cassette is the best I've heard. It has the original suicidal lyrics and reeks of desperation. Bob sounds great on guitar, too.

Did you have a column in Spin Magazine around 1990? (I kid, I kid)

I'll be the contrarian dick here — I think that in some circles the Replacements are one of the most overrated bands in rock history.
