Jeff D.

I'm tempted to downvote you simply because I'm jealous you live in such a picturesque little town.

Greg LeMond was such an amazing athlete — it's a shame that he's been largely forgotten among the general U.S. populace, unlike some of the other top athletes of his generation.

Whole lot of navel-gazing in this article.

Post-makeover Diamond (shorter hair, better make-up, and other enchancements) + Breakthrough and Conquer was something to behold for many twelve year old boys.

Hey now, I liked that scene in Saving Private Ryan. I gave my Mom a bigger hug than usual that day because of it.

This is a good day for me. A very good day.

Not seeing the irony here. I'm not saying it's wrong to be against some of the things that Card wrote (quite the contrary, it's right to be against them), but he's not some monster calling for the massacre of gays or anything like that.

And that was ultimately the reason it failed to launch a movie franchise. A perfectly adequate, kinda cerebral movie (emphasis on "kinda") generally doesn't launch a billion dollar franchise.

I was going to say something similar. Alternatively, they might have actually been alright movies, but they aren't the kind that would have big box office appeal.

Remember that time that about a decade ago when Santorum was scheduled to appear on the Daily Show, and everyone squealed in ancticipation of Jon Stewart humiliating him, and then Santorum handled Stewart so decisively that Stewart literally apologized to the audience the following night? Good times.

Maron and Alito strike me as similar personality types. Quiet, socially awkward guys who somehow achieved prominent positions, and hold a continuing grudge against the more charming and popular people who slighted them at some point in their lives.

I honestly have no idea whether Dr. J's comment is intended to be a sarcastic dig at the President or praise.

After reading Ron Chernow's biography of John D. Rockefeller, I've become a big fan of the man. I don't think he stole "the world's wealth" or anything like that. He also did a heck of a lot of charitable work in his life time.

I remain convinced that only way to counter ESPN's dwindling popularity is for the network to bring back Charley Steiner.

Yes, but he made a ton of money even after those bankruptcies. This isn't the same as a fourth-generation Kennedy or Rockefeller coasting off the family name and wealth. He's made a ton of money, and staged a heck of a financial comeback (reference to an old book by Trump unintended) after the bankruptcy. Stupid

I am honestly puzzled by how Trump can be so rich. He does not come across as an intelligent or business-savvy man. But I don't think it's reasonable to credit his success simply to his father (who was a really successful real estate developer), as Trump's success has been substantially greater than his dad's.

Don't you dare sully Richard Nixon's name by comparing him to Donald Trump!

I don't think so. Too many steroids. Russell was in great shape, but enough of a normal looking guy that people could believe he'd be in big trouble (sorry) fighting Chinese gang members and demi-gods.

Agree with this, but only to add in the defense of rural America that if you're very poor, paying more in taxes — even for things like better roads and law enforcement — probably doesn't seem like a good deal. It's a lot easier to take comfort in using your daddy's old gun you inherited for personal protection than

In fairness, it goes the other way, too. I have friends who have distrusting or downright hostile views towards the police and military (to the point where any U.S. military action is essentially evil and a tool for corporate interests), but also feel perfectly comfortable with the government integrating itself