Jeff D.

Or you and your partner could just have one kid. You do your part to contribute to the gene pool. But if everyone had one kid, the population would shrink by half in a generation.

People's reaction to the trial's outcome provided a pretty good indicator of their level of stupidity.

I love that scene so much. Just a great mix of music and violence.

I rarely see "punching up" jokes that aren't based on stereotypes or tired jokes, either. And in both cases, the fact that the subject of the joke belongs to a particular group is the joke itself.

I have a problem with a steadfast refusal not to "punch down" in comedy. It's tiresome when I know exactly who the target is going to be, what the critique will be, etc.

You know, a Top Gear-like show hosted by Jay Leno actually sounds like a neat idea.

Yes, a dumbass 20 year old isn't in a position to complain about their education, except to the extent that the courses they're taking aren't rigorous enough. But that isn't what most of the objections to course materials seem to be about.

He was actually right about the Leno thing. I don't like to admit it either, but the ratings for Leno's Tonight Show — both before and after Conan's run — were noticeably better than O'Brien's.

I am literally shaking in rage at these horrifically insensitive comments by Jerry Seinfeld. What a monster!

In fairness though, America is pretty awesome.

It's possible for a female non-wrestler to be compelling to wrestling audiences in 2015. Look at Lana. But Lana is enormously charismatic, and Eva Marie is not.

I like Dana. It (really, really) helps that she's attractive and unique looking, but I'm hoping she can become a Beth Phoenix-like wrestler in a few years.

I don't think I like jazzy smells.

There is a ton of things I enjoy about Reggie Watts. He has great taste and talent, and seems like an all-around cool dude. I am happy that a neat person like this has found fame and success.

Is it okay to still refer to Caitlyn/Bruce as a "freakish monster" if that's how I've been referring to Jenner for many years before this transition?

As great as the song is, I can only say that it is my subjective opinion that "Outdoor Miner" is one of the most beautiful pop songs of all time.

I thought he was being self-effacing, not attempting to portray himself as awesome. The joke was that it would be a terrible pickup line. Hence, the plan to mention it in a stand-up comedy routine.

1990s was, at least for a time, considered a great decade for film. Lots of interesting and diverse films, and some really fun ones: Goodfellas, Boogie Nights, Tombstone, Shawshank Redemption, Malcolm X, Unforgiven, L.A. Confidential, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Seven, Leon the Professional, the Matrix, There's

This is true — however, a young me remembers two episodes that had me in tears laughing. One was the introduction of King, the basset hound. The other was when Coach and the other two guys recall that they returned a tortoise they stole earlier in the episode to his natural habitat…in the ocean.

Kerry went to the same school as the guy he ran against, but had slightly worse grades. Not saying he was dumber than the guy he ran against, just that it was hilarious when that was revealed a little after the election, given how the Kerry campaign portrayed him.