Jeff D.

Despite being about universally recognized with Lincoln as one of the top two presidents ever, George Washington is arguably underrated. A lot of folks today just don't appreciate that the U.S. as a democratic republic would not have existed without that man.

No, that would be JFK. When it comes to positive achievements, he might be the fourth-best president of the 1960s, even behind the guy who officially started the Vietnam War (which Kennedy bears a bit of responsibility for, as well) and let it become a quagmire, and the other guy who resigned before he could be

Joe Strummer also used to unironically wear t-shirts with Chairman Mao on them — and this was less than 10 years after the Cultural Revolution.

The lyrics of the Dead Kennedys "Holiday in Cambodia" seem like they could refer to anyone involved in this story — the band, the college students, everyone.

In 1980? Sure.

I would love to go through the offended people's record collection. Well, not really, but there are tons of instances of willful blindness, I'm sure.

Yeah, I kept momentarily getting worked up thinking he has a MORAL OBLIGATION to have lots of sex with Carol & Melissa to repopulate the earth. This is not a time to value the sanctity of marriage (particularly to someone who you met a week ago and married only because she demanded it as a requisite to having sex and

I think we've crossed the point where the response to the supposed backlash* against an all-female Ghostbuster cast has become more irritating than the initial backlash itself.
I know it's kind of O'Neal's gimmick, but the smug condescension of the article was a bit much this time.

Also — it's a dumb idea to buy a $24 million dollar estate. It takes a constant stream of money for upkeep, and there isn't a large group of people who are in the market for such a house.

I believe the initial purpose was to protect fighters' hands from breaking and to help prevent cutting of the face. But the reason gloved fights caught on is because they enabled fighters to punch each other in the face, leading to more knockouts.

It was a less brutal sport in some ways but not others. F

Holmes was past his prime when he fought Tyson, but some people are way too dismissive of Tyson's win. Three years later, an even older Holmes was defeating the highly-regarded Ray Mercer and losing a competitive decision to heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield.

Initially read "Sade" as "Slade" and was very confused for a moment.

I wouldn't say he ruined the movie at all. But his ten-minute cameo would've been better as a five-minute cameo. I didn't find the scene of Cruise dancing so funny the first time that I needed to see it again over the movie credits.

One problem with saying that there has only been one Nick Fury is that so much of the original Fury's stories, like leading the Howling Commandos during WWII, require him to be white.

[after Vincent and Max load a corpse into the cab's trunk]