Also…even though I liked Piper's little business, we don't need to see another Nancy botwin.
Also…even though I liked Piper's little business, we don't need to see another Nancy botwin.
One question about the final episode.
Does anyone know the song from the end of this episode?
nerd is the new rock and roll
I really need to see this again…
I think it's very fair to mention what isn't working on this show when reviewing it. This is a show that took several showrunners and several seasons to find it's legs. And even then, there's a lot of inconsistencies in quality. Since they left the prison things have been fairing much better but given the history of…
I just realized that the main reason carol is so cold to that kid is that she can't allow her to get close to another kid.
In addition to her becoming the sharp shooter of the group. (Which they totally bailed on with Andrea) both bob and dale suffered the exact same fate.
100% of Sasha's character has to do with the comic book version of Andrea. They messed her up on the show and this is how they deal with it
If Paul walker and Vin diesel had a baby together and it was a boy; he would grow up to be the ultimate vision of manliness
You know it's important when bill berry stands with r.e.m.
They should never go back to lothal.
also, the moment the captured teens in mt. weather slaughtered the guards was sheer awesome. Unpredictable, cathartic, and messy
Kane was easily the cheesiest character when this show started. He was basically a villain. But now he's probably the most well developed adult there is.
Up until this episode Abigail was becoming more and more redundant. Especially since her and Clarke are so alike. But thankfully , this episode turns that upside down
As much as I like Abigail as an actor (or do I just like Diane lane? I'm not sure) the fact that they keep pointing out how similar Clarke is to her, undermines her character and makes her rather reduntant. She really doesn't need to be there anymore. Kane may have been a bit of a cliche when the show started, but he…
I've been quite invested in this show and it has steadily gotten better. Frankly, it's WAY better than a post apocalyptic teen drama should be.
That's a classic Peter "If I gotta be in the video I'm gonna look like I hate it" Buck pose.
I love I'm gonna dj. It's like the natural successor to "departure"
She was also in the backround for one moment in country feedback. You can barely tell