
I guess that maybe it does. Does it tell us that you are a lying coward like your father Satan?

I think that the main interest(I can at least speak for myself here) comes from the fact that there was over 2 weeks of reporting on this before a single piece of evidence was released to demonstrate any legitimacy to the allegations in the articles(that evidence being the 911 calls). For over 2 weeks, it was all just

I truly did. Your projected smugness can't cover up what you truly are…weak and dishonest scum.


I'm not trying to insinuate anything. I point out the possibilities and the undeniable biases behind the writing, as well as the general lack of facts to verify anything in these articles(these audios, released over 2 weeks int the reporting, are the first shred of any evidence to be examined in this 'he said-she

Oh ok, so you are joking with me. I hope that you got a laugh out of it. I won't ask you any questions. You, like most people, have nothing to teach me.

Your 'advice'(which is nothing more than an illogical assertion that I am misunderstanding something about science) doesn't have anything to do with 'improving' my understanding of the scientific method. I explained why I thought the way that I did when I saw the comment that started this, and you explained why you

…Are you joking with me or are you really so caught up in this?
There have been no faults in anything that I've written and I don't understand why you seem so insistent on challenging me so much over nothing.

You simply MUST disagree with me, I guess…the scientific method has no relevance here. The scientific method involves testing a hypothesis. We each started with a separate hypothesis, and testing it would involve getting the input of that commentor about why he wrote what he wrote. I've told you twice before that you

Becoming puzzled by someone's behavior is not some terrible calamity. There are always going to be things that we are unable to have a full understanding of at times, particularly when it comes to the behavior of other people. My assumptions are well-founded and educated ones. You are likewise assuming that you know

No one is irredeemable….anyone can go from being bad to being good.
However, you are the one who is wrong about Sandy hook, which leads me to assume that you are either one of the many conspirators in the hoax, or someone who hasn't done any research into it at all and blindly trusts media to dangerous degrees.

It wasn't unclear to me. I was able to understand it and reply but it was just kind of a mess and had a few grammatical errors. haha
Even if you are the one who is right about what he meant, that doesn't mean that my reaction didn't make sense or anything…we both have our own fairly valid reasons for having our

That was a poorly written comment…
And, no, it doesn't…which explanation is correct is not typically determined by whether or not the situation is 'mundane', and your interpretation and perspective is just that. Do you personally know that commentor and what he meant by writing the comment? Is it not inexplicable that

That's your perspective…from my perspective, it seemed odd for him to say since I have written so many comments on Scott Stapp…I'm not saying you're wrong, we just had different interpretations of his comment, due to our differing background history.

Well, it just so happens that I've written dozens of comments on various Scott Stapp articles in the past few weeks, so my first thought was that he must have recognized me from another site, since I had only written a comment or 2 on this particular article/website. If he asked that question based solely on my

I was just surprised that he responded so quickly with the comment that he did. He had never written to me in a comment before, but he obviously noticed that I have posted on a lot of articles about Scott Stapp through Disqus. It was an unexpected and unusual reply for someone who hadn't had a back and forth with me

No…. that is the opposite of a vigilant truth speaker.

What makes you think that I have a problem with being replied to?

Neither…just a vigilant truth speaker.

Did your Brian Benedict Targeted Individual alert ping?