Dan Cassidy

The only thing missing from the joke rant was the joke. At least it gave me a chance to slaps Joe Piscapo's well oiled oeuvre on the table.

He gave up wearing the leash years ago.

True, trying to fuck yourself is preferable to watching Joe Piscopo.

He refers to his weight issues in a lot of his stand up. Most of it is streaming on Spotify, if you want to hear and not see him. Some people have genuine weight issues that they try dealing with on a daily basis and fail trying. If you find it too hard to watch someone who has a body type that offends you go watch

Being a brit of a certain age I prefer the Jam because the Clash Americanized themselves and the Jam were English through and through.

Good day sir, I said. GOOD DAY SIR!

Great album but from the day of release I thought that the mix was terrible. Like a third generation Albanian bootleg copy. Great songs muddy production.

Has everyone blanked out the worst element of the movie? The Stephen Merchant and Halle Berry segment was so wrong in every possible way. The neckticles were high art in comparison.

Her neck testicles in Iron Lady were huge.


How about -"Fuck it, just chat amongst yourselves"


I will rewatch. Why the Chekhov's bullet holes shot? Maybe next season Rick and co are held in the RV and remembers the weakened wall, then kicks it out to escape having to be with Carl.

the clues all point to Eugene being the victim. He has been developing into a useful member of the team, character building is always the death knell. Throughout the episode they keep going back to a POV of lights through bullet holes and ends with the POV of Negan's victim. Eugene was the last one on the RV as night

Best case scenario, Carl gets beaten but survives, his face is a mess and needs backcountry plastic surgery. He can then be played by a competent actor for the rest of the series.

Sad to say it isn't Carl because Negan talks about feeding his other eye to Rick. Lost opportunity.

Schrodingers Mick. He is both Chronos and Mick, depending on exposition.

No XTC "This World Over"?