
The heck with Hanson Hideaway Pizza is yummy.

Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Like tears in the rain…

And beating up via tweet troops that happen to be Trans.

Viadimir Pickle?

Even Hitler had a dog.

Trump will do anything to give his base boners when he throws some group they hate under the bus..

I'm sure my state (Oklahoma-ugh) Senators and Representatives got a boner when they found out Trump was going to throw military Trans folks under the bus.

*sigh* Furries ruin everything…

After watching this movie I can honesty say I will never need to see another movie for as long as I live.

I miss read it as political erections.

As a understudy how about that ex-rodeo cowboy catheter guy.

Freedom sauce?

The per capita amount may be skewed due to a certain someone with orange complexion who drowns their extremely well done steak.

A sparrow with a machine gun

For some reason I read it as concussion stand.

And creepy.

Maybe they can show that wholesome Christian flick The Passion of the Christ.

Only if she is running around with both a catheter bag and a foam donut for sitting. Both might get in the way for any chase scenes though.

No, it was saying Booger…