Mary Sue Targaryen

So… this episode pretty much confirms that Zeke and Jimmy Jr. are gay? I mean, with the jealousy and the rolling together on the floor?

Hmm, let's see. The present in the book is 2011. If Jake is 35 in 2011, that means that he was born in 1976… and that would be consistent with my theory. So, basically, we're both right! 39 - 40 years old in the TV series present, 35 in the book's present.

In the series or in the book? I don't remember, does he?

Really good point! That would be a great ending!

Everything. Nuclear bombs (and radiation) in Mumbai, Hanoi, Karachi, even one in Miami. Race riots after Dr. King was assasinated by an FBI agent. Terrorism (he mentions a bomb in a Beatles reunion that killed 300 people and left McCartney blind). But the main problem was a series of earthquakes around the world that

In the book, Jake mentions that he will be born 18 years later, and that's in 1958. So, he was born in 1976, making him 39 or 40 in the present.

According to the book, Sadie was 28 in 1963, so she would have been born in 1935. Franco was born in 1978… so that would make Sadie old enough to be Jake's grandma.

Hey Jake, since Sadie was "the love of your life" and she never got married again, I'm pretty sure you'll still want to be with her even if she's old now, no? I mean, if you really loved her, you wouldn't care about small details like age or looks, right?

Not cool, show. Not fucking cool. You got no fucking idea how not cool that shit is.

Seems like Marvel is the Apple of superhero films and DC is the Microsoft. Marvel can make any shitty film and people will say it's one of the best films of all times, but whatever DC does, it will always be hated and reviled.

I disagree. And anyway, "best" doesnt't equal "fun".

Oh, a Lisa-centric episode. How fun.

I'm sure he would still be annoying and pathetic, gay or not. They should write him off the show.

God, I HATE Raj. A guy who until a couple seasons ago couldn't even talk to women now is a ladies man? Are we supposed to believe two beautiful women like Emily and Claire would feel attracted or worse, love such a needy, pathetic wimp? He's the kind of "sensitive" guy most women would like as a friend, not as a

Seems like Feig is a bit desperate, feeling the movie is going to tank and trying to get as much attention to it as he can. Two trailers in less than one week, picking fights with both "haters" and people with rightful criticism, constantly talking about the movie every single day…

Fuck Dr. Denise. "Great new addition" my ass.

Ok, this is the last episode I watch. I was geting tired of all the saccharine (yes, we get it, they are a loving family, but we don't have to hear it every fucking week!) and the annoying and repetitive narration ("As my mom/my dad/Barry/Erica…"). But what really fucking annoys me is that they decided to make Erica

Bill: "Hey Jake, so, you come from 2016? That's going to be Election Year, right? I'm sure there are great candidates to the US Presidency in your time."

I would hate if they make them a couple. She's way too pretty for that fugly guy. It's weird her character, being popular and all, isn't interested in dating or hasn't more suitors besides that idiot.

Any thoughts on why Michael, Kevin's dad, was shown crying during Dan's speech? He seemed pretty comfortable, even happy ("vindicated", in his own words) that Taylor had become a killer. Ugh, what an ugly family.