Radio Gnome

An important story line in the final book was Dumbledore's intimate relationship with another wizard when he was a young man. It wasn't explicit but it was very much implied that they were in love.

Totally get what you're saying and I agree. At this point, we're on the same page….. How's that for a constructive discussion?

I really didn't see any attempt to convey humor or humiliation by making the assailants appear feminine. I saw it more as a recognition that underneath all the fear, they are not so different. Of course, that's my personal interpretation and everyone is welcome to theirs.

It wasn't publicized or anything, but Coyne did some nice things for some Trans people in his neighborhood a while back.

Looking at that first set, I'd be crying too if I could see Phish play that show again. We were lucky

I was at that show! Don't remember anything about it at this point really, but I'll have a listen and stroll down (non-existent) memory lane.

If only Marr would get off his ass and publicly compare meat eaters to something unspeakably evil…..

Believe it or not, Morrissey is still not vegan, folks. He's just a run-of-the-mill (lacto-ovo) vegetarian.