
There is the mullet.

Explosive diarrhea.

Nope. I know she was supposed to be McCoy to Data's Spock, but she came across as a real bitch. Like this, for example: https://www.youtube.com/wat….

Curse you, Karel Čapek!

He's watching in Antarctica.

Wait, butthurt doesn't mean when you fall and bang your tailbone? Gross!

The ookie cookie.

I always enjoyed the way that show always made liberals look like whack jobs and hypocrites and conservatives look hyper competent. That and the constant barrage of product placement.

Personally, I vowed to skip them as a protest against what was obviously a money grab by splitting the movie into three parts. Actually, that is my new policy regarding all movies that broken up for no reason other than greed.

The AVClub

Can I assume that noise came from your asshole?

I come to this country on boat—now, I OWN BOAT!

Well, I have to go now, Dr. J, because I'm due back on the planet earth.

Childrens Hospital begs to differ.

The Buddha: "I warsh my ass with a rag on a stick."
*pokes at tAotA with imaginary stick*

I plan on going to Simon's on Tuesday to have my annual glass of glögg and a cookie.

If you expect a movie to be awful, why not wait until it is on Netflix or not watch it at all? Might be the studios will get the hint and make less crap.

So is Rick and Morty the best show to come out of 2014?(technically Dec 2013)