What kind of karma do you need to be reborn as a dead version of yourself?
Hey, what's up?
Was it Sonia that started all of that? Seemed like she figured out some kind of scheme for attracting clicks and site never recovered.
^attaches spicoli323 to the tree of pain^
*casts Fireball*
I've pretty much given up on film and watch mostly television. The last movie I saw was Birdman.
Meh, I'm just feeling grouchy. Obviously, you can't beat peak Murray and it's brazen foolishness to try. I've always thought that if you are going to cover a song, it's pointless if it's not going to be as good or better than the original because of relativity.
However, that doesn't mean it's not going to be an…
So, does this mean all of the humorless cinephiles from the Dissolve are going to start posting over here?
*points to doggie door marked "supplicants" *
I think the twenty twelve may have made my brain freeze and try to think of summer Olympic competitions.
It's cheaters all the way down.
It's a synecdoche for this movie, ie a crappier version of the original: http://www.sixpines.mb.ca/i…
I would also link some pictures Bill Murray and Harold Ramis but I'm a lazy, lazy man
*puts on robe and wizard hat*
Bloodninja: I can no longer resist the pizza. I open the box and unzip my pants with my other hand. As I penetrate the gooey cheese, I moan in ecstacy. The mushrooms and Italian sausage are rough, but the sauce is deliciously soothing. I blow my load in seconds. As you leave the bathroom, I exit through the front…
You didn't like Green Hornet? The last Gondry movie I saw in the theatre was The Science of Sleeping and it nearly melted my brain.
Yeah, "This Is a Call" seemed like it had some promise, then it all turned to cheese. Except for that Michel Gondry video, which is the tits.