
Light-weight Janet shade on her vocals and, for what? smh Anyway, Janet would NOT want do it - period!

LMAO I'd sign her petition too! That girl needs a decade long hiatus.

Sorry, I really don't get your point. Janet's VERY 1st 2 albums were not produced by Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis and, they certainly weren't produced by Prince. I know her 2nd album, "Dreamstreet" was produced by Jesse Johnson (The Time member). "Control" & "Rhythm Nation" were her 3rd & 4th albums. Prince never produced

Amen! She was NEVER suspect to me, though. That woman just has NO musical ability whatsoever - never did.

Debra Lee (not Johnson) CEO of BET is a billionaire now?

Exactly. And, her idiot fans got all defensive b/c she was getting bodied on social media for that travesty last night.

Thank you. And, her basic ass fans were ln social media todqy getting mad defensive that the world knew she sucked donkey d*ck last night. LMAO


Yes, they would too! These don't know who the heck Bowie, The Who and, Zeppelin are!