Vinny Showdown

I'd say Mads Mikkelsen alone puts Hannibal in the conversation.

It's kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand, people love dynasties. Mad Men winning four in a row and Cranston wining three in a row felt cool when I first started watching, but after so many years EVERYTHING is a dynasty. Oh, Modern Family won again. Oh, Jim Parsons won again. Oh, JLD won again. Oh, someone from

"You ever see 'Wheel Out of Time'? Way better than 'Winter Dragon.'" —- Abed in the Community reboot in 20 years.

The movie is 100% not about snobs vs gentleman, and at one point the hero literally saves his own ass because of what he learned as a member of the working class, something that he never would have known had he come from old money.

*Adds another entry to "Abbott and Costello routines I wish existed"*

Took the words out of my mouth. Water Temple in OoT isn't bad at all. Great Bay Temple? Hold me…

"most recently voicing the villain Deker for Power Rangers Samurai."

Reminding older people of their mortality is dickish, but doing so because you wanna know if they're gonna die before they provide you a service you want is next-level dick.

The problem with #3 is while we understand what's in it for Palpetine, we don't know why the Trade Federation goes along. What's in it for them? Why are they doing this?

Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas are both masterpieces.

I would've agreed with you after season 1, but season 2 was just excellent.

This this this 1000x this. Trying to make female Venkman or female Egon is just begging for everyone to be disappointed.

Yup. Producers mandated it. That was if they start to come down during a shoot they can just take a little sniff of it.

Just like the end of that Eagleheart episode!

Much like Star Wars or Jaws.

Tre is the real Bevers of Broad City.

I agree. Last season was pretty damn cinematic too (especially for a comedy), but they've upped their game this year.

This movie has the funniest jump scare I've ever seen. It's fantastic.

First one should be an eight season retelling of the Myth of Icarus.

Season 8 literally opened with the Maria Laguerta bench. It showed it's hand up front.