Vinny Showdown

What about when he broke into Dexter's apartment and ate a giant handful of Cheerios?

I need to know: Does anyone else occasionally send themselves down a spiral into madness when they start to think about just how terrible the last season of Dexter was? Or is that just me?

It came out the same year as There Will Be Blood and Zodiac. Those are three of the greatest movies of the last 20 years.

Same. I don't think I remember one thing about the movie, except I'm pretty sure the blue dudes raped pterodactyls into being their pets. So…that's something

NBC's treatment of Parks and Community and the subsequent bombing of their new sitcoms is like a fairy tale lessons about learning to appreciate what you have

April or May I believe. Later than season 2 started.

True Crime has been a genre for decades.

I think one of Sepinwall's reviews might talk about this. It's a great contrast. Marlo doesn't care about the money; he cares about the power and his reputation. The Greek (Who isn't even Greek!) is happy to be a ghost as long as business continues.

I'd say Sauron's Eye going full psychedelic for what felt like a full minute was worse for me. I half expected a bass to drop and for Gandalf and Elrond to start raving.

I'm still trying to figure out how The Hobbit came out 10 years later than Return of the King, had three times the budget as RotK, and depicted a significantly smaller battle than RotK, yet RotK still looks damn good while BotFA looks like shit.

Season 3 is one of the best comedy seasons ever. If you don't like season 3, the show aint for you.

There could be an amazing biopic about Cosby made where he goes through his life doing mostly the shit we thought he was doing, but then like once every ten minutes he rapes someone and the movie doesn't acknowledge it.

I've mentioned this before, but I'm still not 100% convinced that Jay absolutely positively no-holds barred has to be involved just because he knew where the car was. I asked this question a few weeks ago and someone told me Hae's car was at a park n ride. How public are those? How long after the murder did Jay take

A comparison:


The fourth season finale is a fitting finale for the series. Virtually everything afterwards fucks it up.

I had a terrible feeling Rick and Morty wouldn't get love at the end of the year, and the Hitfix list confirmed my worst fears. it's my favorite show of the year. Although, to be fair, I haven't seen so many of this year's great shows cause there are too damn many.

This is a masterful comment and I'm sad more won't see it.

It gets a J. It gets a Z for fail.

Where was Hae's car parked? I keep forgetting this detail and want to know if there's any shot that Jay just happened to drive by sometime and notice it was there, while having nothing to do with the murder.