Cherokee jack

It's nice to have one last misty smile before the world plunges into darkness. Thanks Obama.

Good thing trump is here to end the bloodshed.

The band did bow out of playing, because trump. So, he had influence in a way.

That makes sense. When the musics over… New anthem.

I read that somewhere else… Jesus was that today, too. Can't keep up.
The first was the lt. Buttocks quote upthread.

WAY too poetic for him.

This is the second most ridiculous thing i've read today.

In these troubling times chock full of strong competition for it, just know you win most ridiculous statement i read today.

Yes. They also said that all this seeming 'collusion' with russia by trump was just him playing them apparently before he brings the hammer down on them.

Someone on this very site replied to me when i pointed out trumps request for hacking that he wasnt asking them to hack, he was asking them to find info on clinton from what was already hacked. That's how their logic works.

Its like we're living a DEVO short film from 1980.

Like a mountian/viper type thing.

He actually auctioned that honor off recently. Im pretty ok with my financial lot in life but it made me wish for more expendable income.

Just a couple things on the way out.
There is video of trump asking gor hacking at a rally… I watched it.
The puppet thing was my conclusion.
When you justified your 'fake' news comment you listed things like the recount which are real news. The fact that there was a recount makes it 'real' news. You not

I don't know where you get your news or what your spin is but i don't think you do understand what 'fake news' is.
Stories are reported on before all facts are in…. That's how it goes now. Pretending that it is a uniquely leftish phenomenon is as wrong as wrong gets. Because of the 24 hr. News cycle, competition

I love that ep. The movie is so amazingly inept and the pretty much half that is just the midway 'performances' are hilariously terrible.
"ah, she has a god given talent…for making tuna casserole."

"i tell people to get their schick out of shape but my schick is nowhere near out of shape."

The teens that snuck in with fake id's are feeling profoundly ripped off about now.

Wow. I thought you were obviously being sarcastic but then saw your other posts here.
What part is 'fake' news?
Do you know what words mean?

I never thought there was much difference and Rabin's article pegs them pretty much the same group of ignorance proud devients.