
What was their plan again? Oh right, run up and grab an undead nasty. Smart. Then, when the plan goes to shit (because, really, it's no plan at all) they send Gendry to run back in 15 minutes and send a raven at light speed to Daenery's and for her to immediately hop on her dragons and fly back (again, at light speed)

Unfortunately, the professional arm wrestler was not prepared for the next round of skull crushing competition.

Jesus lizards?

Prison Break was still called Prison Break after they broke out of prison…then the writers had a dilemma and had to put them in a Mexican Prison so they could break out again. Had it lasted another season, I think they would have broken out of Mexican Prison only to find themselves inside a Russian Gulag.

I think Leonard's dream at the end resonates with Don so much because he is literally describing himself as a can of Coke on the shelf in the fridge. Leonard puts it into terms that Don can understand (and it literally sounds like a pitch that Don would have given)