Skip, In Outer Space

would've been really dumb. i think what we got worked well.

I wish i could fall for these games, i love Akira Toriyama's designs so much

I wonder/am assuming that there was some stuff hidden at the summit that no one actually found. maybe the swap will turn out to be a pick em bc otherwise wtf was the point of that.

Ewing is SO GOOD. just 4 pages and so much character, plot advancement, jokes, commentary, wild ideas, continuity heavy but still accessible. He's doing some of the best work at Marvel right now.

Clint Eastwood also met a life changing Don Draper hobo?!?!

Wild episode. You can pry my crackpot Lady Stoneheart and Wall falling next ep theories from my cold dead hands.

The Lady Stoneheart trolling is fantastic at this point. Loving it.

Alecia survives another week, #TeamMentalGiant growing stronger!! Also really starting to like Cydney.

Scot and Jason really rubbed me the wrong way, especially in the end of the episode. Too comfortable at the start of the game and condescending. but it's just the first episode

I finally gave in and read Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, I really enjoyed them. Knowing everything from the show made it go much better because it felt like I knew it was going somewhere instead of the mystery of the next book. Made me love the characters much more, getting in their heads and such.

I think Keith was trying to say that he picked Spencer cause he felt bad about Spencer not getting the family visit, which not that great an excuse…

I've let a lot of Secret Wars X-titles pass by because I couldn't care less about the crossovers they're using as jump off points but I am in love with this book. Continuing Morrison's crazy stuff, the mutants as style icons stuff, weird X-Teams, they all make it feel like an offbeat/brand X-book even though it's a

That's cool but you still end up with half of the poem being bad to horrible.

Once I accepted Mike'll win and everyone else is horrible I've started to enjoy this season more. Instead of trying to figure out strategy for everyone to get to the finals I can just sit back while unlikable people go 1 by 1. This episode made me think about how it's strange how powerful being a goat is, Will's gonna

Olympian Crystal Cox

Holy shit Will is unbelievably awful. At tribal I wanted to reach through the tv and smack him. New lows for Survivor.
Unbelievable amounts of respect and props to Shirin for coping with that. Now I'm rooting for her to come from behind and win.

The real messed up stuff is the story of Ferro Lad, who Shooter killed off when editorial wouldn't let him reveal he was black. (He always had a full face mask)

I love, love, love the Legion. I really hope they get a good book this summer. It has such a great legacy (and original concept) it hurts seeing the team lounge in obscurity.

1. Hard Target: Can't beat Brimley (gawddammit)
2. Blame it on Rio: Michael Caine is hilarious but the bizarre plot takes it over the top.
3. Dreamcatcher: I'm a sucker for bad Stephen King and this is maybe the worst.
4. Secret Window: ^^^ Yew stole ma' story
5. The Butterfly Effect: Shitty sci fi makes me laugh

If only Drew could've made it to the auction