
Monopoly is a mediocre game that can be made terrible when people introduce lots of crazy house rules (most of whom serve the purpose of making the game drag on forever, even though the game as written actually doesn't take that long) to win. If Metatron really is the writer then maybe he is saying that he took a

So how does Death feel about the whole, "souls trapped in the Veil" thing? It sounds like a pretty aggressive and (apparently) permanent contravention of his part of the Natural Order, right? Tessa brings it up as a major problem and it seems like all reapers would have the same issue. I'm surprised Metatron isn't

Agreed. The only real difference between angels and demons is that angels are stronger and relatively undisciplined, while demons tend to be weaker and more vulgar/rude. Especially with the introduction of Cain, a demon that is functionally identical to an archangel including his smiting power, there really isn't that

I think next season they might have to scale back the ambition of the main storyline or accept that they don't have enough time for 10 filler episodes any more. I feel like they built up like 3-4 major crises (the war in heaven with at least three factions — Malachi, Bartholomew, and Metatron; all those souls trapped

That's true. The angel didn't really give them too much useful information. The Winchesters already know that Metatron has the power to take angels to and from heaven because he has appeared on Earth before and he disappered with Gadreel a few episodes ago. They can reasonably infer that he's building an army of

The only bit that I was confused about is what happened to the black-haired angel that brought Gadreel to Castiel in the first place? She was standing behind him to begin with but during the attack I lose track of her. It was kind of confusing.

Was he really forced to kill that guy though at the end? I mean, he was a jerk and I don't feel sorry for him, but he was just standing there speaking calmly.

I guess it was important because we got to find out why Abaddon was so crucial. Before this, I kind of got the sense that Abaddon was more Crowley's problem than everyone else's. She's bad, but Metatron has basically condemned everyone in the whole world to an eternity trapped in the veil after they die, and

It's been a while since they did an episode about a character who was addicted to drinking the blood of another species.

True, but that sounds like a technicality to me. If Sam, Dean, or Bobby were possessed by a demon, they would try to exorcise the victim. They wouldn't even try to argue that, "Hey, he might die anyway, so why not just stab him in the throat?" until they've tried it first. Hell, most of the time the only reason the

Apart from the one the cop shot, the other Benders were all incapacitated (some of them were locked in closets or knocked out, but none of them died).

I think we were supposed to think that the killer and the girl weren't that far apart in age. While the actor looks older, the way he's portrayed makes me think 20-something slacker/burnout rather than 30-ish guy.

I don't really understand this criticism though. Nearly every time Sam and Dean kill a demon or an angel, they are killing an innocent person — a wholly innocent person who likely had no interest in committing any crimes or hurting anyone. If we're OK with THAT, it seems a little strange to argue that killing a

I agree I find that disorienting. It's one thing to forget about a character's backstory but it's really confusing when they forget the premise of one of the seasons. It would be like if Dean and Sam suddenly had memories of Ruby helping them in the fight against Dick Roman.

I still don't get Bart and Cas's back story. In season 6 I thought that Castiel was the leader of the anti-Raphael factions, but Bart appears to have been taking orders from people above Castiel (his line about killing those captives because those were his orders doesn't make sense if Castiel really is in charge of

I think there's a big difference between last season and Sam actually pulling the plug on Dean. Last season, Sam couldn't have gotten Dean out of purgatory even if he tried, so while it was still awful Dean could look past it. In this season, Sam is saying, "if you were dying in front of him I would try to save you."

Is it really true that everyone in Minnesota talks like Sarah Palin?

It might have been good idea to introduce more angels in past seasons to add suspense to Gadreel vs Ezekiel reveal. If it was Anna or Balthazar or someone they knew, the reveal thAt it was someone else impersonating them would surprise the viewer more than them just saying Ezekiel is really gadreel when we ow almost