
Ohhh that actually makes perfect sense.

Ohhh that actually makes perfect sense.

Four years later, this still cracked me up.

My philosophy — if they don't approve of Trump, they have the opportunity to rebuke him in 2018 and in 2020. If they don't — if they vote for him and his party again — then to me that means that they do approve of and support him. I'm not really interested in what people tell pollsters; it's easy to say that they

My understanding is that Jalopnik is Car Gawker, and Jezebel is Chick Gawker, Gizmodo is Computer Gawker. There's also a small group of really minor niche Gawkers about video games and stuff.

Ever since Trump won, the general consensus in the Liberal Media is that they have to pander exclusively to ultra right wing whackjobs that hate them instinctively.

I think it's because they aren't "scamming the system", they're taking stuff from people who have barely anything and picking on people who can't really fight back. Paltrow and Jones at least seem to only focus on rich people and assholes, respectively, who aren't that much worse off, but most con artists don't.

Remember this?

IIRC, when they offered refunds they gave people the opportunity to forego the refunds and "let it ride" (that is, roll the money over into tickets for Fyre Festival 2018).

There has been allegations in lawsuits that, in the days leading up to the festival, the organizers were telling their big name/"influencer" attendees not to come while they were still aggressively selling tickets and upgrades to the 'ordinary' guests. If that's true, then that would push it into the category of

That movie was evil.

I saw it too, and the movie definitely didn't deserve most of what was said about it to be honest. I really expected it to be some kind of far right propaganda based on some of the comments, but really most of the reaction had to do with Kyle personally rather than the actual movie. He was a raging jackass for at

I'm really concerned that someone in Gilead will think that the non conscious Janine can still give birth and probably be less trouble to manage.

The way I see it, if you're not allowed to say "no", it's rape. Waterford doesn't make any explicit or even veiled threats, but that's because he doesn't have to; they both know that he can destroy her at any time with almost no consequence other than a sad headshake from the authorities who now have to assign him

It takes courage to rely on the Vasectopus though; maybe I'm old school, but I think any kind of surgery should be performed by humans, not many tentacled monsters — no matter how dextrous they may be.

Honestly, this is good insight for email etiquette in general. Make it easy for the person receiving your email to understand what you want.

Lift doesn't operate in their town. Uber does though.

Wait, those anecdotes all sound like story lines from Two & A Half Men. Was that show actually supposed to be a documentary about Jon Cryer and Charlie Sheen's actual lives??

So is "Come Wander With Me" just "Jess-Belle" and "Death-Ship" combined?

Honestly, the whole 'Sam strangling Rebecca' thing honestly sound like something out of a zombie movie. You know, the one where the evil monster has apparently been killed but when the heroes are distracted it suddenly lurches back to life and attacks them. When Wes returns to retrieve the trophy, I thought that Sam