
Good. Your comments cut it.

You think Maher things lynching blacks was a good idea? Whaaat????

I love a good discussion! For some reason, I have an obsession with Golden Age comics. I know a lot about that Wonder Woman. I know a little about her from the 50's through the early 80's. And almost nothing about her from that point on—I once had an argument with a friend who was trying to remember the acutal name

Are you insane? You must be if you think I'd ever say or want to say that.

So late to the love fest, but the movie is awesome, fucking awesome. The only superhero movie that beats it for me is Tim Burton's Batman, because that movie managed to be a personal vision. Wonder Woman is another movie-by-committee, anonymous and innocent of art (like every single superhero movie made these days,

Ooh—you stole two of my earlier responses to you. Burn!

Just saw it tonight. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Exciting, funny, moving, easily the best superhero since this reign of superhero franchises began (which I date back to the first X-Men movie).

How about stop trying to police language: you and I choose not to use the word because we don't like it, Ice T and Maher will continue to use it when they it's effective?

You are operating from a pretty bigoted position today, E. Now only black people are offended by this word.

It fits: killed for no crime at all.

Your first sentence was so full of horseshit, my nose could bear to go no further.

Dude, I get it. You can't read, and you're trapped in your biases.

By your definition, then, sexualism does not exist.

Nah, it's apt.

Or maybe you just really love those routines? But white people have been singing along with rap for decades now, and for a lot of people, that's going to influence their non-singing vocabulary. Shouldn't people at least be given the benefit of the doubt that they don't mean the word the same way the Grand Wizard of

You're read a lot into what was going on. It's funny that you're the one seeing race here (and money, too). It's not a man. It's not even a rich man. It's a rich white man. It would seem, if he were poor or of another race, there would be a different evaluation on your part.

Because one can use offensive terms for the very sake of offensiveness.

To me, the best reaction would be a dialogue, but I also know that a comic like Lenny Bruce would be excoriated in this day and age. At some point, it's fair to say "If you're offended, it's your issue not mine. I know who I am, and I've given ample evidence over time."

People aren't automatons and some react differently than others. Gosh, what insight into human nature!

Sure there's a difference. Dave Chappelle is apparently offended by people at his show doing his old routines. You think they do that because they hate Cappelle and want to mock him?