Steve McCoy

Also how Madsen's character has "no emotions" but still gets an unsolicited blowjob from the non-alien lady character.

Also, (ugh I'm going to regret this rant) Seymour doesn't die on the sidewalk. It would totally contradict his flash fossilization that is the impetus of the whole episode.

I've always found lovecraftian stuff boring, but Bloodborne makes it cool.

No, Bloodborne is incredible. Plays great, graphics are great, atmosphere is great, bosses are great, and they made the load times a lot better months ago. I won't call the load times good, but they're about on par with the Souls games'.

Plus the kid *wanted* to hang out with Batman. Should we be shaking our heads because it wasn't some indie comic character or real-life person?

Even more troubling!

Your legal name is Chuckles? Seems like asking for trouble

Yep. The very concept of "competition" is agreeing upon a set of rules and trying to beat each other within them. If you're cheating, you aren't competing. People get very upset when this concept of fairness is flaunted. See Bronson & Merriman's "Top Dog".

More like a modified Mike Patton

This is the best yet, for sure. It helps that Gethard was actually awake for it. And Teti's recent hatred of shaving really added to the moments when Gethard teased his hosting — I like surly, sinister Teti.

I had only seen Drive before OGF. I was fully prepared. OGF is great.

I would be perfectly happy with just a new localization for VII.

And yet nobody ever says "bye" before they hang up…

Yup, he mentioned this in his book "Billions and Billions" which talks about the phrase in some section.

The one exception that I can think of is when Marlo finds out about Omar and giddily tells Chris about it.

Agreed almost entirely, especially on the length. It doesn't help that the movie really circles the drain before it ends. It's like a long comic strip made up of identical panels. You could take any given scene and swap it with another, and there'd hardly be any noticeable difference. What I'm saying is that it

It's a pretty good game, although sometimes too arcady for my tastes. The server issues are generally OK these days (although I have had a streak lately of stupid problems, so don't take that too optimistically). Aside from the graphics and sound, it can't hold a candle to GT6, but again, that's mainly because it has

Yesss, and even better, the PS3 and Vita versions just got the daily challenges that the PC version has had for a while.

I have Mario 3D Land and Pokemon Y. I do have other games for it, but they're all original DS games. I got the 3DS because I wanted to binge on the Dragon Quest games and had pathetic hope that the 3DS version of DQVII would be localized. There've been other games that have interested me (e.g. Etrian Odyssey IV and

I dunno, to me it looks bad in screenshots, but fine in motion.