
Late to the discussion today, was busy at work this morning. Going to beat God of War 3 this weekend, couldn't last weekend because I was out of town but this is the weekend. Then I'll probably start Uncharted 3. Pretty far in Freedom Planet but it's starting to drag for me. It's trying too hard to be a Sonic game and

I never watch the previews, my wife always wants to so she watches and I either leave the room or plug my ears and cover my eyes like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

And that it would probably have given her mother a heart attack, given the general intolerance of her mother.

That's weird that there are so few, I figured if I'm on episode 5 now and 2 of those didn't have Aukerman, I'd figure there'd be more episodes without him.

True, but my parents in their 40s wanted nothing to do with Adam Sandler or any of his movies. Plus that fight is references on sports center to this day. I feel people who haven't seen Happy Gilmore know about that fight.

Yeah, after looking through and seeing that there are over 400 episodes at an hour each, I'm sure I'll end up skipping ahead. I'll probably start skipping any that don't have Aukerman but I don't want to miss out on a bunch of hilarity. Not sure what to do. But I do have a vacation coming up (listening to this on the

One of my favorite sketches in the show is where they ask someone to watch a laptop in a coffee shop while the person goes to the bathroom. One guy tries to steal it and a guy runs up to him and berates him for trying to steal it and says, "I will follow you home and bl0w you in front of your wife just to show her

I just started getting into the podcast, starting at the beginning. The first episode with Rob Huebel and Thomas Lennon was great. I'm on the 4th or 5th episode (the one with Jimmy Pardo guest hosting) and it's pretty good but it's not the same without Aukerman (the Hardwick episode was ok), although in it there's a

I don't think anything will ever top that fight. Everyone knows about that movie fight, whether you've ever liked any Adam Sandler movie or not. My parents know about that fight and they're in their upper 60s.

I caught it on Comedy Central when they were showing it and I liked it too. I'd like to watch the Blu-ray of it and see all the stuff they cut out. Plus it has Charlie Murphy pre-Rick James sketch!

Anything that gets Richard more time is good in my book. Still waiting to hear his top 5 DeNiro movies (after Meet the Parents, obviously).

Jonah chasing that kid at the playground was hilarious.

Also Selina saying she wished her mother was alive for it was great too.

Ben is one of my favorite characters. I remember when Selina took over the white house when the former president retired I was really hoping Ben would be kept around. Also, him saying that his privates are essentially just for decoration at this point cracked me up.

Mike admitting he yelled that word into his phone on the Acela quiet ride car killed me. More so than Ben's admission that he thought he said it to the reporter that posted the story.

Great googily moogily…

It's one of those things that you have to go and get the whole experience. I'm not a big Indy car fan and I don't really follow the races, but going to the 500 is a blast and if there was a race in Philly, I'd definitely go.

Thanks! We are really excited about it. We knew if we didn't do it soon we might not ever get to do it. Basically doing a tour of the southern half of the island. Fly into Dublin and head straight to Kilkenny, then to Cork (stopping by Blarney castle, but not kissing the stone), then to Killarney (ring of Kerry) then

Of the 2 times I went to the 500, I went to carb day once. It was a smaller group that year, 1 of my brothers, 3 cousins and some of my cousin's friends. I like carb day a lot because you can move around at your own pace and it's not super crowded like race day. Plus kissing the bricks is one of my favorite sports

I kind of recall that, by the end of the race the cars weren't the only things running on fumes. I wasn't black out or anything but I hit that groove of all day drinking where you keep the right amount of buzz to keep you going but you don't get too drunk and pass out or get too sober and get tired. But that was a