
Thanks, I may give that a go after work. Just feels dry now. Stupid eyes…

I like that one too. There's a new one that came out recently (at least since the last time I played a month or so ago), it's white and shoots slowly but has great power and distance (not a sniper). I've really taken to it. It's terrible for covering the ground but great for picking people off.

It's feeling better now, I've been putting clear eyes into it every 10 minutes and it's not really red anymore and the liquid goop stuff has gone down too. I'm thinking I just irritated it when rubbing it this morning and that's it. Even if it is pinkeye though (although I'm starting to feel that it's not), I've

Yeah, that's what I normally do after an extended break as well. Also, whenever I'm showing someone the game for the first time I always equip the roller for them because it's the easiest one to use while figuring out the game. Plus you can paint a ton of area with that so even if they're getting splatted by people

Not sure what/how much I'm going to get to play this weekend. Going out tonight for a friend who's moving away then tomorrow is a bachelor party all day. But, in my own true fashion, my eye started hurting this morning, now it's red and there's something like tears (but a little thicker) resting on the bottom lid. I'm

I also loved how at the end Jake's lawn was all beat up and looked terrible and Holt's looked perfect. So true to character.

Best line reading of the night.

Forgot about that. Ugh.

I was cracking up when Tina finished her monologue in the play and said she was going to kiss everyone in the first row and started moving over there. Classic Tina, always looking for an excuse to make out with everyone.

I didn't see Dredd in 3D, but I really wish I had. That movie was great.

God of War 3, sorry. This is why I normally never use acronyms. I'm definitely enjoying it, but I recently finished Bayonetta 2 and I keep expecting to use the dodge and get witch-time. It's throwing me off a little bit.

Yeah, I'm just reading the books for the first time now (finished Red Dragon, 3/4 way through Silence of the Lambs) and Mads is who I picture in my head.

I'll definitely be getting into GOW3, I'm really enjoying it so far. Haven't had a lot of time to play it but this weekend I should get an opportunity. Outside of dinner with the in-laws tonight, Flyers game tomorrow and a family get together on Sunday, I should be able to get some gaming in.
Definitely going to try

Yeah, I was really surprised I didn't hear anything about him being in it before I saw it.

I agree, but to be fair, if my wife walked in on me in a similar situation, I'd be in deeeeep trouble.

Yeah, Battle of 5 Armies was pretty bad.

Also as Magneto.

I would have said Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector, but then Mads Mikkelsen had to go and nail the part on the TV show Hannibal. Can there be 2 definitive performances of the same character?

I think he's at his best when he's either a super competent lawyer or an angry friend. I don't think he's a good funnyman/sarcastic sidekick though.

Yeah, I never found the length of the episodes to be the problem in season 4. It was that they never had the characters together. I'm rewatching the show again for the millionth time (halfway through season 1) and the greatest part is watching the characters bounce off each other.