
They were our generations skinny jeans. In 20 years people will be looking at these skinny jeans and saying how big of idiots people were. Luckily I never had JNCOs, never really wanted them. I did wear baggy jeans though, it was the 90s.

I probably won't platinum it, I didn't with the first one. I normally do go for 100% on games unless it's a platformer (have to get all the stars and coins in Mario games, getting all the little dudes in Rayman). I don't know why but those are the only games I try to get everything. Which reminds me, I should replay

Going to be playing some Bayonetta 2, should be finishing it soon. Then I might start the Metroid Prime series (played 3 already, have to play the first 2, really enjoyed 3) or Donkey Kong Country Returns. Going to try to get back into MGS3, but it's not holding me. If I don't get hooked after the next time I play,

Pepe is the best part of this show. They should do a spin off of him, Rizzo and Gonzo. I'd watch that.

I hated that sequel but I thoroughly enjoy the first one.

Jason Mantzoukas plays an unstable detective? Yes, please.

The Wire season 1. I really liked that version of the song and was crestfallen when it was changed in season 2.

Reggie-era Comedy Bang Bang title sequence was the best. I'd find myself singing that all the time.

I put that intro on blast every time I watch that show. I never fast-forward through it if I'm watching on DVR or HBOGO.

That's good. I'll have to check that game out after I get through some of my backlog.

Yeah, they were the worst. I thought that maybe it was just in my head after actually trying on these in Bayonetta 2, but after all the other comments about the ones in the first game, seems like I was right on.

Just wait until the Enron level!

True, there were those characters in the first one that could really mess you up. Grace and Glory were the worst. I hated it anytime those showed up. I think you had to fight them once without the use of witch-time which made me angry.
The muspelheims are definitely easier. That's one of the reasons I gave up on

I can see that, I do it less for the outcome and more for the sweet, sweet t-shirt you get during splatting (joking). I do it for the snails so I can unlock more abilities for the clothes. Plus it is fun.

Pretty soon there'll be Accounting Simulator, at which point you should just get a job as an accountant.

I've heard of Runbow but had no idea what it was. I just read a synopsis of it and I may be downloading that in the near future. Seems like it could be fun.

Hmm, sounds interesting. I'd have to see the RTS elements to make a decision. Hopefully there's a demo on the eshop. Thanks for your help!

Yeah, the Bayonetta 2 story isn't as insane as the first one, but it's still pretty crazy. I'm on chapter 10 and thoroughly enjoying my time with it. I have Metal Gear Rising but haven't played it yet. It's on my list, plus I've heard it's a really short game so it shouldn't take me too long once I start it.

I'll be playing Bayonetta 2, like a lot. Game is amazing. I like it a lot more than the first one (and I liked the first one a lot). I've been plowing through it pretty fast, on chapter 10 of 16. I've found I've died a lot less in this one. I've come up with some possible explanations for this; 1. it's easier (but

Wonderful 101 is made by platinum games, correct? How does it compare to the Bayonetta games? Is the action similar or is it a different type of game?