
The only problem I had with the episode is that in a past episode Holt mentioned how he never had a bad breakup and it even flashed back to him sitting down with a guy and ending the relationship in a conversation that didn't sound like a break up at all and then Holt referred to it as ending a relationship that

Asking that Darth Vader guy which button calls his mom to come pick him up is probably the hardest I've ever laughed in my life. I was dying when I saw that. The stormtrooper in the background losing it was amazing too.

I just stated other side characters that have been on screen more than Gonzo because I would like to see more Gonzo. Everyone else seems to be able to handle this is thread in a regular fashion. If anyone needs to get a hold of their life for arguing about mupppets, it's you.

Scooter, Pepe, Rizzo, even Electric Mayhem have had way more screen time than Gonzo.

Not to mention Mike saying at the end, "I thought you were adopted".

The complete lack of Gonzo so far throughout this series has been mystifying. Definitely need more Gonzo. Pepe has been great throughout though. He's probably the most consistently funny character on this show.

She was buying a gift for Fozzy and didn't want him to see her ordering it.

I think it is Cole's baby. When he's saying "it's our baby" I think he's referring to the Lockhart's, not specifically his and Allison's. With learning the whole family has been cursed and anytime one of the Lockhart's tries to have a child, something terrible happens (Gabriel drowning, the brother and his wife losing

My wife and I paused it at the end to get a good look to make sure it was Scotty that was talking to her and not Cole. After we figured it was Scotty we came to the conclusion that he was saying "our" baby as in the Lockhart's family baby. Took a minute to hash that out, but seems logical given the Lockhart family

I think it is Cole's baby. When he's saying "it's our baby" I think he's referring to the Lockhart's, not specifically his and Allison's. With learning the whole family has been cursed and anytime one of the Lockhart's tries to have a child, something terrible happens (Gabriel drowning, the brother and his wife losing

Teddy was way too into pilsner.

And Gina buying the most expensive cupcakes out there makes total sense as well. I expect nothing less.

Wow, I just saw that she changed her name when they got married. That's crazy for an actress to do. But props to her.

Yes it was. That was shady at his best.

Cool, I'm still making my way through the backlog I already own, I'll add that to the future backlog.

I helped! I helped!

Just a heads up, that Eagles-Lions coin toss wasn't for OT, it was the beginning coin flip. The eagles won by 14, therefore making OT impossible.

Yeah, when I bought Bayonetta 2 and saw it came with the first one, I was pumped. I knew I could enjoy the 2nd one without playing the first but figured I might as well give it a go. I really enjoyed it. Is Wonderful 101 a good game? I read mixed things about it but it seems a lot of people really like it but it's not

I'm on the last boss on the first Bayonetta so I'm sure I'll finish that up tonight. Not sure what I'll play on my Wii-U after that. Maybe new super Mario bros Wii-U, maybe I'll jump straight into Bayonetta 2 (I'll definitely get some Mario Maker in). As for my PS3 game, I started Rayman Legends and so far I really

Since Tristan was killed in the hotel, shouldn't his spirit still be there (just like the tourist girls/everyone else that's died there)? So technically he can still be with Liz. Right? I mean, death means nothing on this show.