
This weekend I'm getting into the splatfest, Bayonetta (have to work through that so I can start the second one), probably some kart/smash and Uncharted 2. First weekend in a long time where I'm not going anywhere or have major plans. Pumped to be able to relax, play some video games. Especially after my wife goes to

There's just something about the old school music in those games. I love it. A lot of games now have good music but there's something about the way the old music sounds that's just great. Castlevania games were awesome, Sonic, Mario, Zelda, basically every game.

When I got my PS3 back in the day and started playing COD4, I was the same way. I'd played some FPS before (goldeneye, call of duty on computer, doom on computer) but missed out on the PS2 era (was in college and was doing other stuff than playing video games, unless playing N64 Mario kart and Mario tennis while

Innercity Pressure embiggens the smallest man.

could somebody please, remove these, cutleries, from my knees

Did he get lewd with your food?

I saw Norm around 2009 or 2010 and I thought he was hilarious.

That part killed me.

Great episode, but it was lacking in the Cudi department, most likely due to the fact that the camera had to do a dizzying swing each time it wanted to get him. But the Andrew Lloyd Webber comment of, "Is he some kind of little child?" or something along those lines had me dying.

Sounds like we are very much in the same stage of PS3 games. I'm on Uncharted 2 right now (but I've mostly been caught up with my Wii-U right now, mostly). I beat infamous, have infamous 2 to get through but I also want to play God of War 3 (just beat 2 not that long ago). But until I finish Bayonetta 1 and 2 and as

Going down the shore with my wife this weekend. Her grandmother has a little shore house by Cape May, NJ. No air-conditioning, cable or anything like that. But it does have an old tube TV and an NES. So I'll get some Mario bros, little league world series, Contra 2 and other games. If the weather's bad we may come

I just mentioned that above! Not that that same quote, but that movie.

I guess this writer missed Jack Black's performance in Airborne… "Did he just call you a piece of underwear??"

That therapist was a dashing man.

When my wife told me my junk looked like it belonged on the lifeless sea floor, I took it as a compliment. This turns my whole world upside down…

I liked his confusion when Shampoo said "ex-girlfriend" to his ex-wife. Like his trolling for buns on an airplane right in front of her for the Review is ok.

I lost it when AJ said, "Who would have though she'd have so much self respect?" or something along those lines. I was geeking out.

It seems like Larry was the force behind all the other characters (George, Elaine, Kramer) but Jerry was responsible for Jerry, and Jerry was great. Plus, some of the funniest stuff on Curbed was when Jerry was on it. I'm not disagreeing that Larry is a genius, he is. I'm just saying, don't discount Jerry Seinfeld.

Ah, my bad. I think it would be funnier with 2.5 stars though. That would imply he found something good about babysitting that lead to a corpse search.

Yeah, I had to rewind it I was laughing so hard.