Adam Stewart

Barry, just in the finale, gave himself up to be locked away in the speedforce. He made the move to reverse his mistake of creating flashpoint by allowing his mom to be murdered, which he knew would lead to the murder of his dad. He admitted this all to his team and gave them the choice on whether he would tell them

This entire season has been Barry owning his faults. Barry has also stopped the multiverse from being destroyed and saved many people personally. Oliver has yet to really own up to anything he's done, hence why he hasn't turned himself into the police for aiding and abetting a terrorist (Malcolm), releasing a

I said that she hasn't been, not that she never did. Really, starting out by killing someone without experience applies to Oliver too. Have a very great day!

I didn't say Laurel loved Tommy. Have a very great day!

Oliver's pretty bad on his own. But Laurel's just fulfilling Tommy's wish, who was pushing her to go with Oliver before he saved her from his dad's earthquake machine. Not that it matters, because those scenes contradict canon anyway. Have a very great day!

Laurel hasn't been trying to kill people. And with her, people knew no better than her. Have a very great day!

Every romance on this show stunts everyone's character development and every romance is uninspired, insipid and lazy. The show hasn't really been good since season 2. I always see people surprised by this and it surprises me.

He straight said that he loved her more than he ever thought he could love anyone, but that she wasn't his soulmate.

That's the funny thing about opinions, because the first thought I had when I saw them interact in the the pilot was that I wanted them to have a romance.

Kreuk was fine when she got something to do. Lois was kinda over the top in smallville. She didn't have the reigned in, less flashy attitude that Delaney had or less harsh attitude Hatcher had. Amy Adam's performance wasn't the problem in mos I don't think, just I like I doubt Erica Durance's was the problem with

He didn't. Pete, Bart, Arthur, Victor, Oliver and tons of other characters didn't. Lana only had a few motw being in love with her in each season.

They treated eachother that way.

Every monster of the week didn't want her. There were only a few instances per season of her being wanted by the monster of the week.

No romance on arrow makes sense. It's all poor. But smallville was better. It's character work was far superior. And it not giving shippers things is apart of that.

It was a bright spot in the show though.

He did choose. He murdered someone to get his power who he knew was being controlled himself. He wasn't cursed. He murdered him by choice.

Season 2 is lesser than season 1 because the writing is slightly stilted wrapping all the characters stories up and setting up new ones for the major story of the season that was nixed because of the writers strike, but season 3 is the worse season.

Matt didn't know that the kid was his. He was being toyed with by Maury, to taunt hi saying that he should have read her mind and that because he didn't he abandoned his kid. But he didn't know it was his.