
Medically discharged from RPDR, I could not believe it

I mean she only lasted three episodes, and the edit did her dirty on the first two. I don't think either of them was at fault for the shenanigans of AS2 in general — it was a very manipulated and staged season in general.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a tight race between Kirsten Dunst's Peggy and Billy Bob Thornton's Lorne Malvo as the best thing about this series so far, so I too miss Peggy.

Oh man that made me wheeze-laugh-cry. So good.

I disagree about Sasha — she's one of only five girls who have a shot at the top 3, and the winner is anyone's guess right now (more than past seasons).

This was by far the best episode of the season so far, and I don't even have to discount Charlie's non-lip sync to say that. That moment is INSTANTLY iconic, Trinity still turned it out all on her own, this episode was a gif machine with a bunch of genuinely funny moments to it, some of the runway looks were stunning,

All great quotes. Anything about Francine's stupidity or past rebelliousness delights me. "You're dead Becky!" is definitely a great one

Yeah a lot of people seem to love that one here. It's good, but there's something about Roger's increasingly horrifying selfishness that topped that story where Francine and Roger just kinda fed into each other's fantasy, for me at least.

My favorite pairing in the show is anything with Roger and Francine — two of the funniest characters on television in my opinion. And my favorite plot of theirs ever is their B plot in Old Stan in the Mountain. Soooo many good moments in that increasingly horrifying story of Roger deceiving Francine and exploiting a

Punk Legend. Arguably the Mother of Punk.