
What state are you in? When I looked at the data, the only states where rates were rising were states where people were slow to sign up.

Mine went down to $40.

Apparently Democrats are sub-humans, and we're supposed to come "together" and get along with our "betters." Interesting.

Wait—does the AV Club reprint Savage Love now? Or is Dan exclusively publishing on AV Club? Or what?

Ha ha ha, if only it was yesterday and I was only worried about the potential of a Trump victory.

What happened to the freedom to associate? Why does your speech trump my freedom to associate? (It doesn't, and you're out of your mind to think it does).

Respect is something you have to give to get. I've been to plenty of public spaces ruined by drunks, by fights, by privileged people call other people niggers, by all kinds of nonsense. To say that a space is safe is to say that all of that garbage is banned. If you don't like it, leave!

I've been explaining to the gloaters how Trump's tax plan is going to cost 5+ trillion dollars, and how he's going to have to borrow to get it, and how it's like paying your rent with a credit card — it'll work but ends up costing more than just paying it today.

That and the submarine blooper. And the fact that nothing Indy did actually mattered.

Her server wasn't illegal… really.

That is unknown.

You're being too facile. Unfortunately, the whole reason that "safe spaces" exist is because people are able to discern the content of other people's characters, and they don't want to spend any time with shitty assholes.

Except that Hillary didn't do the estimates of the costs. The Congressional Budget Office did both. And, as usual, the Republican plan was going to cost about 50 times what the Democrat plan would have.

Thank you. I'm glad you like it. You'll love Trump's tax plan. It's only going to cost 10 trillion dollars, coming right out of the pockets of the middle class.

Congratulations. You managed to make America grate again.

You won an election, but you still lost.

If it's for your sanity and well-being, don't hesitate.

Really? Because Hillary won the popular vote…

MVS is awesome in everything he does. Even Judge Dredd was somewhat tolerable, just because he was in it for a minute.

Steven should rejoin the Big Bang Theory.